Meetings up to State 1/24 (today) -- 4:00 to 7:00 -- all hands 1/28 (Mon) -- 4:00 to 6:00 -- all hands 2/4 (Mon) -- 4:00 to 6:00 -- all hands 2/7 (Th) -- 6:30 to 8:00 -- Science/Safety Night Selvidge 2/11 (Mon) -- 4:00 to 6:00 -- all hands 2/14 (Th) -- 4:00 to 6:00 -- Fermion only 2/21 (Th) -- 4:00 to 7:00 -- Fermion only 2/22 (Fri) -- Scrimmage at Rolla Technical Institute?
State Logistics Bus? Field Trip Permission Forms? Everyone welcome as spectators
Mini Teams Fermion State Prep Hadron Ramp and Autonomous State Spirit X Y Z
State Spirit Team New T-Shirt? Banner and Banner Holder? Costumes Promotion
Lafayette Robotics Activities Safety Night at Selvidge Trip to State Rockwood Robotics Banquet FRC Regionals/Worlds FLL Volunteers?
1st XYZ Contest 18” Lego platform with 2 Lego men Robot must be: –12” tall before driving, or –Any height, but only 2 wheels (Segway) Objective: drive 5 feet, knock off 1 man After first success, platform gets taller
1st Contest Prizes First robot to achieve 18” goal Robot which achieves tallest goal Best drawing of robot design
Primary Roles Chief Designer Technical Writer Pit Boss Quality Controller and Trainer Chief Programmer Builder, Electrical, and Assistant Programmer Builder, Mechanical
Secondary Roles Captain Safety Boss Spirit Leader Rules Expert Lead Scout
Complete Forms Cleanup Stuff from cars XYZ team formation Auction
XYZ DhruvBrendanSean B AlexisPhilAsa Sean RValYi ShaneHaydenIbrihim HadiRaghavMimi SurajAkhilWill A Will CohenTaylor CohenGrant