Sandia’s Roles on Behalf of ARM North Slope of Alaska (NSA) April 28, 2003 Jeff Zirzow NSA Technical Operations Manager Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL This year during the Council Forum we plan to focus specifically on the needs and interests of the ARCUS member institutions. To provide context for these discussions, we would like to invite you to make a short (2 vugraph; 3-4 minute) presentation on arctic-related work ongoing at your institution, the concerns of arctic researchers, and suggestions about how ARCUS might work more effectively with your institution to advocate for arctic research and the needs of arctic researchers. This year during the Council Forum we plan to focus specifically on the needs and interests of the ARCUS member institutions. To provide context for these discussions, we would like to invite you to make a short (2 vugraph; 3-4 minute) presentation on arctic-related work ongoing at your institution, the concerns of arctic researchers, and suggestions about how ARCUS might work more effectively with your institution to advocate for arctic research and the needs of arctic researchers.
Two sites which are providing data on cloud/radiative processes at high latitudes to refine models and parameterizations as they relate to the Arctic –Major site in Barrow –Minor site in Atqasuk –Both sites capable of providing a base of operations/support for other approved experiments Instrumentation – Radiation – Upwelling, Downwelling, long and short wave – Atmospheric Profiling – Cloud properties – Surface Meteorology Sites and Activities at the NSA This year during the Council Forum we plan to focus specifically on the needs and interests of the ARCUS member institutions. To provide context for these discussions, we would like to invite you to make a short (2 vugraph; 3-4 minute) presentation on arctic-related work ongoing at your institution, the concerns of arctic researchers, and suggestions about how ARCUS might work more effectively with your institution to advocate for arctic research and the needs of arctic researchers. This year during the Council Forum we plan to focus specifically on the needs and interests of the ARCUS member institutions. To provide context for these discussions, we would like to invite you to make a short (2 vugraph; 3-4 minute) presentation on arctic-related work ongoing at your institution, the concerns of arctic researchers, and suggestions about how ARCUS might work more effectively with your institution to advocate for arctic research and the needs of arctic researchers.
Point researchers to and encourage them to use NSA/ARM data (“Free and open” sharing of data) Tell potential users about NSA Facilities, and how we might help them (base for instrument systems, experiments, other campaigns) Demonstrate to funding agencies a need for continued and increased funding on Arctic climate-related research by: – Showing how research now will provide future dividends in enlightened and cost efficient governmental policy – Helping government see anticipated economic impacts of climate changes so appropriate planning is done – Showing how more research will lead to more accurate predictions, to avoid extreme reactions in strategies to uncertainties in future anticipated climate change impacts. How Can ARCUS Help us? This year during the Council Forum we plan to focus specifically on the needs and interests of the ARCUS member institutions. To provide context for these discussions, we would like to invite you to make a short (2 vugraph; 3-4 minute) presentation on arctic-related work ongoing at your institution, the concerns of arctic researchers, and suggestions about how ARCUS might work more effectively with your institution to advocate for arctic research and the needs of arctic researchers. This year during the Council Forum we plan to focus specifically on the needs and interests of the ARCUS member institutions. To provide context for these discussions, we would like to invite you to make a short (2 vugraph; 3-4 minute) presentation on arctic-related work ongoing at your institution, the concerns of arctic researchers, and suggestions about how ARCUS might work more effectively with your institution to advocate for arctic research and the needs of arctic researchers.
Skyrad Platform Present weather sensor Tip tower Camera, instrument piling Atqasuk Instrument Site, Looking SE
Close up of Atqasuk Instrument Shelter, Storage shelters, and Skydeck Instrument shelter