1. _______name of lab safety symbol that has a picure of a plant (lab safety) 2. ______the process scientists use to solve problems and answer questions (scientific method) 3. _______a naturally formed inorganic solid with a crystalline structure (minerals) 4. _______last step of the scientific method (scientific method) 5. _______a minerals resistance to being scratched (minerals)
1. _______the process scientists use to solve problems and answer questions (scientific method) 2. ______name of lab safety symbol that has a picture of goggle (lab safety) 3. _______the five letters that represent the scientific method (scientific method) 4. _______an educated guess (scientific method) 5. _______name of lab safety symbol that has a picture of a hand holding a mouse (lab safety)
1. What is a mineral? 2. What are the characteristics used to identify a mineral?
1. Mineral- a naturally formed inorganic substance with a crystalline structure
a. Color -weathering and impurities can cause the same mineral to come in different colors NOT A GOOD IDENTIFIER b. Luster -shiny or dull c. Streak -powder left behind when a mineral is rubbed on an unglazed piece of porcelain d. Cleavage -breaks evenly (in sheets) e. Fracture -breaks jagged
f. Mohs Hardness Scale-how easy or hard it is to scratch a mineral uses 10 minerals to represent variations in hardness The common items used to test hardness are a fingernail a penny Glass Steel nail