FIBRE+ Software INIS Training Seminar October 2015 Vienna, Austria Martin Bohatschek INIS Unit International Atomic Energy Agency
FIBRE+ Input File (.inp) – contains the actual records which will be sent to INIS for input Matrix File (.mtx)- Useful for publications which contain individual articles (analytics) To guarantee consistency TRN consecutively numbered INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria2
Example of a matrix file Example: Proceedings from a conference. The publication (M-level) contains of a number of individual papers (analytics) (A-level) and is part of a series (S-level) A-level: for individual papers from the conference M-level: publication which contains all analytics INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria Bibliographic levels A, M, S S-level: publication is part of the “Proceedings Series”
How to set up a matrix file I INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
How to set up a matrix file II Look out: The matrix file must be saved as filename.mtx INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
How to create an input file I Step: Open the matrix file with Fibre+ 2. Create a new input file: INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
Save the input file as filename.inp INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria How to create an input file II
Click on the matrix file, it will appear in front of the input file Matrix file (foreground) Input file (background) INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria How to create an input file III
Select active matrix INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria How to create an input file IV
Use the “Tab key” to create the necessary tags (001; 007; etc..) in your input file from the matrix file. INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria How to create an input file V
The editing window I 7. The editing window contains useful options to alter the input data. It appears by double-clicking on a tag (e.g. tag authors). INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
The editing window II 8. Rotate author’s name Highlight the name and click on “Rotate”: R.E. Holmes Holmes, R.E. INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
The editing window III 9. If more than one author: Highlight all names and click on “Split Into Lines” followed by “Rotate” INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
The editing window IV 10. To alter the input to upper case, lower case or title case, use the following buttons: “To Upper Case”: alters all letters to upper case “To Lower Case”: alters all letters to lower case “To Title Case”: each word starts with an upper case letterter INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
The editing window V 10. The button “Basic Formatting” helps you to format the text INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
The editing window VI 11. The button “Adjust Affiliation” puts the affiliation in brackets. Set the cursor at the start of the affiliation and click on “Adjust Affiliation”. INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
The editing window VII 12. To superscript or subscript a character first highlight the characters or numbers and then click on the “Superscript” or “Subscript” button. INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria Click on the “Preview” button to see how superscript/subscript /special characters appear in the input file.
The editing window VIII 13. To add “special characters”, such as Greek letters or mathematical operators, click on the button “Special Characters” and select the appropriate character. INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria Click on the “More”-button if you do not find the special character you are looking for
The editing window IX 14. If you click on the button “Author”, “(author)” will be added at the end of an abstract. INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
Completion of the input file 15. The last step before completion of an input file is to use the check-function by clicking on the “Check buffer” button. INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
Help Press F1 for help – The Help menu offers explanations for each tag (tag 001, tag 007, etc.) INIS Training Seminar, Vienna Austria
GOOD LUCK! Thank you! Thank you! Martin BOHATSCHEK