CSE 20 – Discrete Mathematics Dr. Cynthia Bailey Lee Dr. Shachar Lovett Peer Instruction in Discrete Mathematics by Cynthia Leeis licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at LeeCreative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licensehttp://peerinstruction4cs.org
Today’s Topics: 1. Countably infinitely large sets 2. Uncountable sets “To infinity, and beyond!” (really, we’re going to go beyond infinity) 2
Set Theory and Sizes of Sets How can we say that two sets are the same size? Easy for finite sets (count them)--what about infinite sets? Georg Cantor ( ), who invented Set Theory, proposed a way of comparing the sizes of two sets that does not involve counting how many things are in each Works for both finite and infinite SET SIZE EQUALITY: Two sets are the same size if there is a bijective (injective and surjective) function mapping from one to the other Intuition: neither set has any element “left over” in the mapping 3
Injective and Surjective f is: a) Injective b) Surjective c) Bijective (both (a) and (b)) d) Neither 4 Sequences of a’s Natural numbers 1234…1234… a aa aaa aaaa … f
Can you make a function that maps from the domain Natural Numbers, to the co-domain Positive Evens? A. Yes and my function is bijective B. Yes and my function is not bijective C. No (explain why not) 5 Positive evens Natural numbers 1234…1234… 2468…2468…
Can you make a function that maps from the domain Natural Numbers, to the co-domain Positive Evens? f(x)=2x 6 Natural numbers 1234…1234… 2468…2468… f Positive evens
Can you make a function that maps from the domain Natural Numbers, to the co-domain Positive Odds? A. Yes and my function is bijective B. Yes and my function is not bijective C. No (explain why not) 7 Positive odds Natural numbers 1234…1234… 1357…1357…
Can you make a function that maps from the domain Natural Numbers, to the co-domain Positive Odds? f(x)=2x-1 8 Natural numbers 1234…1234… 1357…1357… f Positive odds
Countably infinite size sets So | ℕ | = |Even|, even though it seems like it should be | ℕ | = 2|Even| Also, | ℕ | = |Odd| Another way of thinking about this is that two times infinity is still infinity Does that mean that all infinite size sets are of equal size? 9
It gets even weirder: Rational Numbers (for simplicity we’ll do ratios of natural numbers, but the same is true for all Q) 10 1/11/21/31/41/51/6… 2/12/22/32/42/52/6… 3/13/23/33/43/53/6… 4/14/24/34/44/54/6… 5/15/25/35/45/55/6... 6/16/26/36/46/56/6 …………………
It gets even weirder: Rational Numbers (for simplicity we’ll do ratios of natural numbers, but the same is true for all Q) 11 1/11/21/31/41/51/6… 2/12/22/32/42/52/6… 3/13/23/33/43/53/6… 4/14/24/34/44/54/6… 5/15/25/35/45/55/6... 6/16/26/36/46/56/6 ………………… Is there a bijection from the natural numbers to Q + ? A.Yes B.No
It gets even weirder: Rational Numbers (for simplicity we’ll do ratios of natural numbers, but the same is true for all Q) 12 1/1 11/2 21/3 41/4 61/5 101/6… 2/1 32/2 x2/3 72/4 x2/52/6… 3/1 53/2 83/3 x3/43/53/6… 4/1 94/2 x4/34/44/54/6… 5/1 115/25/35/45/55/6... 6/16/26/36/46/56/6 …………………
Sizes of Infinite Sets The number of Natural Numbers is equal to the number of positive Even Numbers, even though one is a proper subset of the other! | ℕ | = |E + |, not | ℕ | = 2|E + | The number of Rational Numbers is equal to the number of Natural Numbers | ℕ | = | ℚ + |, not | ℚ + | ≈ | ℕ | 2 But it gets even weirder than that: It might seem like Cantor’s definition of “same size” for sets is overly broad, so that any two sets of infinite size could be proven to be the “same size” Actually, this is not so 13
Thm. | ℝ | != | ℕ | Proof by contradiction: Assume | ℝ | = | ℕ |, so a bijective function f exists between ℕ and ℝ. 14 Want to show: no matter how f is designed (we don’t know how it is designed so we can’t assume anything about that), it cannot work correctly. Specifically, we will show a number z in ℝ that can never be f(n) for any n, no matter how f is designed. Therefore f is not surjective, a contradiction. Natural numbers 1234…1234… ???z?…???z?… f Real numbers
15 n f (n) … … … …… We construct z as follows: z’s n th digit is the n th digit of f(n), PLUS ONE* (*wrap to 1 if the digit is 9) Below is an example f What is z in this example? a).244… b).134… c).031… d).245… Thm. | ℝ | != | ℕ | Proof by contradiction: Assume | ℝ | = | ℕ |, so a bijective function f exists between ℕ and ℝ.
16 n f (n) 1.d 1 1 d 1 2 d 1 3 d 1 4 … 2.d 2 1 d 2 2 d 2 3 d 2 4 … 3.d 3 1 d 3 2 d 3 3 d 3 4 … …… What is z? a).d 1 1 d 1 2 d 1 3 … b).d 1 1 d 2 2 d 3 3 … c).[d ] [d ] [d ] … d).[d ] [d ] [d ] … Thm. | ℝ | != | ℕ | Proof by contradiction: Assume | ℝ | = | ℕ |, so a bijective function f exists between ℕ and ℝ. We construct z as follows: z’s n th digit is the n th digit of f(n), PLUS ONE* (*wrap to 1 if the digit is 9) Below is a generalized f
17 n f (n) 1.d 1 1 d 1 2 d 1 3 d 1 4 … 2.d 2 1 d 2 2 d 2 3 d 2 4 … 3.d 3 1 d 3 2 d 3 3 d 3 4 … …… How do we reach a contradiction? Must show that z cannot be f(n) for any n How do we know that z ≠ f(n) for any n? a)We can’t know if z = f(n) without knowing what f is and what n is b)Because z’s n th digit differs from n‘s n th digit c)Because z’s n th digit differs from f(n)’s n th digit Thm. | ℝ | != | ℕ | Proof by contradiction: Assume | ℝ | = | ℕ |, so a bijective function f exists between ℕ and ℝ.
Thm. | ℝ | != | ℕ |
Diagonalization 19 n f (n) 1.d 1 1 d 1 2 d 1 3 d 1 4 d 1 5 d 1 6 d 1 7 d 1 8 d 1 9 … 2.d 2 1 d 2 2 d 2 3 d 2 4 d 2 5 d 2 6 d 2 7 d 2 8 d 2 9 … 3.d 3 1 d 3 2 d 3 3 d 3 4 d 3 5 d 3 6 d 3 7 d 3 8 d 3 9 … 4.d 4 1 d 4 2 d 4 3 d 4 4 d 4 5 d 4 6 d 4 7 d 4 8 d 4 9 … 5.d 5 1 d 5 2 d 5 3 d 5 4 d 5 5 d 5 6 d 5 7 d 5 8 d 5 9 … 6.d 6 1 d 6 2 d 6 3 d 6 4 d 6 5 d 6 6 d 6 7 d 6 8 d 6 9 … 7.d 7 1 d 7 2 d 7 3 d 7 4 d 7 5 d 7 6 d 7 7 d 7 8 d 7 9 … 8.d 8 1 d 8 2 d 8 3 d 8 4 d 8 5 d 8 6 d 8 7 d 8 8 d 8 9 … 9.d 9 1 d 9 2 d 9 3 d 9 4 d 9 5 d 9 6 d 9 7 d 9 8 d 9 9 … ……
Some infinities are more infinite than other infinities 20 Natural numbers are called countable Any set that can be put in correspondence with ℕ is called countable (ex: E +, ℚ + ). Equivalently, any set whose elements can be enumerated in an (infinite) sequence a 1,a 2, a 3,… Real numbers are uncountable Any set for which cannot be enumerated by a sequence a 1,a 2,a 3,… is called “uncountable” But it gets even weirder… There are more than two categories!
Some infinities are more infinite than other infinities 21 | ℕ | is called א 0 o |E+| = | ℚ | = א 0 | ℝ | is maybe א 1 o Although we just proved that | ℕ | < | ℝ |, and nobody has ever found a different infinity between | ℕ | and | ℝ |, mathematicians haven’t proved that there are not other infinities between | ℕ | and | ℝ |, making | ℝ | = א 2 or greater o In fact, it can be proved that such theorems can never be proven… Sets exist whose size is א 0, א 1, א 2, א 3 … An infinite number of aleph numbers! o An infinite number of different infinities
Famous People: Georg Cantor ( ) His theory of set size, in particular transfinite numbers (different infinities) was so strange that many of his contemporaries hated it Just like many CSE 20 students! “scientific charlatan” “renegade” “corrupter of youth” “utter nonsense” “laughable” “wrong” “disease” “I see it, but I don't believe it!” –Georg Cantor himself 22 “The finest product of mathematical genius and one of the supreme achievements of purely intellectual human activity.” –David Hilbert