The Enlightenment in Europe
Objective To understand the ideas behind the Age of Enlightenment To understand the ideas behind the Age of Enlightenment To understand how those ideas affected politics and society To understand how those ideas affected politics and society
Thomas Hobbes All humans were naturally selfish and wicked, therefore governments must keep order. All humans were naturally selfish and wicked, therefore governments must keep order. People should hand over their rights to a strong ruler. This was what Hobbes called a social contract. People should hand over their rights to a strong ruler. This was what Hobbes called a social contract. Strong ruler should have total power (an absolute monarchy). Strong ruler should have total power (an absolute monarchy). This powerful government with awesome power is what he called a leviathan (sea monster) therefore he titled his book Leviathan (1651). This powerful government with awesome power is what he called a leviathan (sea monster) therefore he titled his book Leviathan (1651).
John Locke People were reasonable (though still selfish) and had the natural rights to life, liberty, and property. Purpose of government is to protect these natural rights. Government power comes from the consent of the people.
Social Contract Thomas HobbesJohn Locke Humans are naturally cruel, greedy and selfish. To escape this “brutish” life people entered into a social contract. Only a powerful government could ensure an orderly society. Believed only an absolute monarchy could keep a society completely orderly. Humans are naturally reasonable, moral and good Humans have natural rights: life liberty and property People form governments to protect natural rights Best government was one with limited power If a government violates people’s natural rights, people have the right to overthrow government
Voltaire Wrote more than 70 books of political essays, philosophy, and drama. Wrote more than 70 books of political essays, philosophy, and drama. Used satire against his enemies, especially the clergy. Used satire against his enemies, especially the clergy. Beliefs: Beliefs: Tolerance Tolerance Reason Reason Freedom of religious belief Freedom of religious belief Freedom of speech Freedom of speech
“ I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ” Voltaire
Montesqieu Believed Britain was the best-governed and most politically balanced country of his own day. Believed Britain was the best-governed and most politically balanced country of his own day. Proposed the “ separation of powers ” between executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Proposed the “ separation of powers ” between executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Proposed “ checks and balances. ” Proposed “ checks and balances. ”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Passionately committed to individual freedom. Passionately committed to individual freedom. Believed man was born free and good but easily corrupted. Believed man was born free and good but easily corrupted. Believed the only good government was the “ general will ” or direct democracy. Believed the only good government was the “ general will ” or direct democracy.
“ Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains. ” Rousseau
Cesare Bonesana Beccaria Beliefs Laws existed to preserve social order, not avenge crime. Laws existed to preserve social order, not avenge crime. Accused should receive speedy trials. Accused should receive speedy trials. Torture should never be used. Torture should never be used. Degree of punishment should match seriousness of crime. Degree of punishment should match seriousness of crime. Capital punishment (death penalty) should be abolished. Capital punishment (death penalty) should be abolished.
Mary Wollstonecraft Women should be equally educated along with men. Women should be equally educated along with men. Women should enter professions traditionally dominated by men like medicine and politics. Women should enter professions traditionally dominated by men like medicine and politics. Wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
The “Great Debate” Reason & Logic Traditions and Superstitions rationalismrationalism empiricismempiricism tolerancetolerance skepticismskepticism DeismDeism nostalgia for the pastnostalgia for the past organized religionsorganized religions irrationalismirrationalism emotionalismemotionalism