Warm-up: 8/25/14 Explore: You can use emoticons in text messages to help you communicate. Here are six emoticons. How can you describe a set that includes five of the emoticons but not the sixth? Questions: What are some features that only one emoticon has? What sets could you define that include only five emoticons?
Standard: N.RN.3: Explain why sums and products of rational numbers are rational, that the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational, and that the product of a non-zero rational number and an irrational number is irrational. Objective: To classify real numbers and identify properties of real numbers. Date: Now classify numbers into subsets. Discuss with your team and write down what the diagram represents. Share.
Real Numbers: All numbers in the set of real numbers that are not imaginary. Rational numbers: are all numbers you can write as a quotient of numbers a/b. includes terminating decimals. 1/8 = includes repeating decimals. 1/3 = … Irrational numbers: Have decimal representations that neither terminate nor repeat. Cannot be written as a quotient of integers.
With your group discuss the classification of the following information. 1.Your school is sponsoring a charity race. Which set(s) of numbers describes the amount of people who participate? 2. From the same charity event, each participant made a donation of $15.50 to a local charity. Which set(s) of numbers describes the amount raised? 3.Now create a real life scenario for the classification of an irrational number. Discuss the challenges your group is facing. 4.Is it true that the sum and product of a rational number is still rational? Prove. Explain. 5.Is it true that the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational? Prove. Explain. 6.Is it true that the product of a non-zero rational number and an irrational number is irrational? Prove. Explain.
Properties of real numbers:are relationships that are true for all real numbers (except in one case, zero) Additive inverse of any number a is –a. The sum of a number and its opposite is zero. Multiplicative inverse of any non-zero number a is 1/a. The product of a number and its reciprocal is 1. Commutative Property: for addition a + b = b + a. For multiplication: ab = ba. Associative Property: Addition (a + b) + c = a + (b + c). Multiplication (ab)c = a)bc) Identity Property: Addition a + 0 = a. Multiplication Distributive Property: a(b + c) = ab + ac Closure Property: a + b and ab are real numbers. With your group come up with examples of all the properties listed and prove the properties are always true. Can you find any counterexamples? Closure: Homework: Properties of Real Numbers Assignment (hand-out)