Orava castle Spis castle Trencin castle Bojnice castle Bratislava castle
Orava castle Orava castle This castle was most likely built in first half of 13 century. It was built as a defence guard for important merchandising route between Poland and Hungary Empire. Originally it was made from the wood, but later after Turkish attack was reconstructed and built from the stone. In first half of 20 century the castle was renovated to look like in In 1868 inside of the castle was created the museum. The last owner of the castle was forced to give it up and Orava Castle became the ownership of the state.
Spis castle Spis Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in Slovakia. It is situated in eastern Slovakia. The castle belongs to the national heritage of Slovakia and in 1993 was included in UNESCO list of the world heritage sites and it is one of largest castle sites in Europe.
Trencin castle The history of the Trencin Castle is dated back to Roman Empire testified by the inscription on the castle wall. The inscription is in Latin writing telling us about the Roman victory over the German tribes in 179 AD. Trencin castle was most probably built over a settlement site that had existed in the Roman Empire long time ago. The castle houses exhibitions of the Trenčín Museum, documenting the history of the region and of the castle – exhibitions of historic furniture, weapons, pictures and other artifacts as well as a castle gallery, archaeological collections and findings. The castle is protected as a National Cultural Monument of Slovakia. In 2006, it attracted about 100,000 visitors.
Bojnice castle First written document about Bojnice Castle is from The castle was built over a settlement site from wood. In 13 century it was rebuilt in stone. Many visitors agree that Bojnice castle is the most beautiful castle in Slovakia. Near to castle exist zoo.
Bratislava castle The square shaped Bratislava castle with its four towers rises on the hill overlooking the Danube River. In the past the castle served as the seat of a Habsburg Dynasty. A huge fire destroyed the castle. For more than 200 years was Bratislava Castle the seat of the Kings.