How Do We Control Material Processes at the Level of Electrons? Progress on Grand Challenge New Horizons for Grand Challenge Remaining ChallengeRefreshed Grand Challenge? To understand how the emergent magnetism and crystalline structure influence each other. Specifically, how the magnetic moment is formed from individual spins. A significant, persistent effort is needed. To control processes at the level of electrons, we need first to understand processes at this level. My group focuses on understanding the formation of crystal from disordered groups of atoms. New techniques capable of spatial resolution at the atomic level must be developed to understand fundamental properties and mutual influence of individual structural magnetic, and electronic components. Is a new statement of the Grand Challenge needed? No Should the Grand Challenge be retired? No Submitted by: T. Prozorov Affiliation: Ames Laboratory
How do we design and perfect atom- and energy-efficient synthesis of revolutionary new forms of matter with tailored properties? Progress on Grand Challenge New Horizons for Grand Challenge Remaining ChallengeRefreshed Grand Challenge? New methods of data acquisition, processing and analysis have to be devised and implemented. Continuous effort is needed. We must understand the matter at the atomic level and gain a deeper insight into the dynamics of synthesis. Only then we will fully benefit from rational design of new forms of matter with tailored properties. New tools become available, opening unprecedented opportunities to examine probe the behavior of systems at smaller scales. Is a new statement of the Grand Challenge needed? No Should the Grand Challenge be retired? No
How do remarkable properties of matter emerge from complex correlations of the atomic or electronic constituents and how can we control these properties? Progress on Grand Challenge New Horizons for Grand Challenge Remaining ChallengeRefreshed Grand Challenge? Understanding the correlation between formation of crystal and magnetic order from individual spins is a key issue of spintronics. Continuous effort is needed. My group studies the dynamics of crystal formation from disordered groups of atoms. We focus on learning how the magnetic order in a material emerges from individual uncorrelated spins. We must understand the properties to control and exploit them. This necessitates the research of dynamic systems and processes at high resolution. Is a new statement of the Grand Challenge needed? No Should the Grand Challenge be retired? No
How can we master energy and information on the nanoscale to create new technologies with capabilities rivaling those of living things? Progress on Grand Challenge New Horizons for Grand Challenge Remaining ChallengeRefreshed Grand Challenge? We must learn working with live specimen to understand the processes taking place in living things. Continuous effort is needed. My group is studying the magnetite biomineralization in live magnetotactic bacteria, and our findings are utilized to make better bioinspired magnetic nanocrystals. How can we learn from live things? Is a new statement of the Grand Challenge needed? No Should the Grand Challenge be retired? No
How do we characterize and control matter away - especially very far away - from equilibrium? Progress on Grand Challenge New Horizons for Grand Challenge Remaining ChallengeRefreshed Grand Challenge? Validation of results and cross- correlation of theoretical predictions with the experimental data. Continuous effort is needed. We aim at mastering the dynamic characterization at atomic resolution. Our effort is extended into characterization of liquids and gases in confined volumes. Has the focus/scope of the Grand Challenge evolved? Possibly so. Is a new statement of the Grand Challenge needed? No Should the Grand Challenge be retired? No