Assessment Toolkit Referral Allocation Meeting (RAM) Team Meetings RAM Accepted into service ALL REFERRALS Administration Standard Referral form (on intranet) Standard letters LD1sent by team admin to person referred Information for professionals/agencies referring to the team Representatives from all teams/professions attend RAM Discussion of all referrals to ensure person meets core business and geographic patch of service Decision made if referral is accepted into service or not Referral and feedback forms taken from meeting via representatives Referral is allocated to the relevant team for part 1 of the assessment process. Part 1 - Screening introductory Leaflet Guidelines for completion of ICA Initial contact assessment Guidelines for completion of LD screening LD Screening Initial risk assessment Part A caseload management Access to records leaflet Data protection ?CPA form PALS leaflet Introductory leaflet for people with learning disabilities All referrals to be allocated within team meeting. Team admin update NPfIT Clinician to make contact with person to make appointment LD2 and or LD3 sent Assessments to be undertaken by all qualified multidisciplinary members of the teams using a rota system developed within teams Undertake:Initial contact/Learning Disability Screening assessment as directed by RAM Complete caseload priority (form A) Complete initial contact risk assessment Record all outcomes on feedback from, discuss at CTLD meeting and forward copy of form to RAM with other referrals if needed CPA registration Referral is accepted in service and either added to a clinicians caseload or added to the waiting list (list of senior professional. (if waiting list admin to send LD4 to referral agent and GP) If person is accepted send LD5 to GP If person needs to be seen by Psychiatrist, team member to send letter to GP LD6 requesting standard information Caseload weighting reviewed at: supervision (monthly) Professional clinical meetings Discharge planning 3 monthly Person is discharged and letter sent (LD7) Part 2 – In-depth assessment RAC to update NPFIT RAC to send LD5 letter to GP’s to suggest that the person is added to the LD registers Full Nursing Assessment Care Plan Risk assessment Caseload weighting Form B & C Health Screening CPA* Epilepsy assessment* PASSADD* HoNOS* Begin health Action Plan with GP practice* Functional Behavioural assessment* Engagement Plan* Observational assessment* Condition specific assessment* *if appropriate No further Action Ask for all referrals from professionals and agencies to be forwarded to their local team in writing Referrals from users or carers to be taken over the phone (basic details taken by admin staff and then forwarded to a clinical staff for reason for referral Inappropriate referral Caseload review Discharge Planning, Discharge or Inappropriate referrals Clinicians to discus with referral agent and follow up in writing with copy to GP and forward letter to referral agent outlining decision for rejection RAC to reject referral as inappropriate; inserting reason in free text box Part 3 Further Specialist Assessments See database of assessments on intranet Part 4 In-patient Assessments See documentation on intranet Admission to in-patient services RAC to discharge from NPfIT Clinicians to send discharge letters People may be admitted at any time, either whilst receiving community services or not