MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. Promoting Excellence in Dementia Care Caring for Smiles : Standards, Qualifications and Frameworks - bringing pieces of the learning jigsaw together Caring for Smiles : Regional Events October/November 2015
MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. SSSC - What we do: Objectives – public protection and improvements in service through workforce regulation and development Register workers – phased approach Workforce information – future workforce Codes of Practice Scotland and UK
MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. Why connect learning? Connected learning assists connected practice Important to recognise that care is a complex activity and it takes a particular set of knowledge, skills and values to be a good care worker … not everyone is suited or suitable to work in the care sector There is never just one thing happening in an intervention … people are ‘whole’ beings with ‘whole’ lives and care is not simple ‘Conscious competence’ is important to good practice and to professional self-esteem and identity Recognising connections and transferable skills is both an effective and an efficient measure When you have shown you have learned something - why should you have to evidence your learning twice (or more)? Bringing pieces of the learning jigsaw together …
MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. Meet ‘Sheena’ Case Study - connecting learning
MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. Case Study: ‘Sheena’ Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker at Greenwood include: Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person- centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs Support Worker at Greenwood Care Home for older people
MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. Case Study: ‘Sheena’ Support Worker at Greenwood Care Home for older people Achieved ‘Dementia Informed Level’ (Promoting Excellence ) Greenwood’s succession planning & Sheena’s career development now include her undertaking: SVQ Social Services & Healthcare at SCQF Level 6 Caring for Smiles at SCQF Levels 5 and 6 Dementia Practice : Skilled Level Sheena is now registered with SSSC as a Support Worker CHSA - registered with condition to achieve SVQ at SCQF Level 6
Promoting Excellence Dementia Informed Level The Dementia Informed Jigsaw …
Communication Impact of environment Impact of stigma & discrimination Impact of dementia on feelings and behaviour Person-centred support Empowering/ enabling practice Promoting Excellence Dementia Informed Level Outlines the baseline knowledge and skills required by everyone working in health and social service settings, including in a person’s own home. Signs & symptoms of dementia Individual needs Risk / Harm Legislation & policy Rights Quality of Life
Support effective communication SCDHSC0021 Support the health & safety of yourself and individuals SCDHSC0022 Develop your own knowledge & practice SCDHSC0023 Support the safeguarding of individuals SCDHSC0024 Support individuals with their personal care needs SCDHSC0218 Contribute to the implementation of care or support plan activities SCDHSC0025 SVQ 2 Social Services & SCQF Level 6 Sheena’s SCQF Level 6
Caring for Smiles The NOS/SVQ Jigsaw …
Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes Explain why good oral health is important for older people in care 1 Recognise the factors that contribute to poor oral health in older people 2 Demonstrate good practice in day-to-day oral care for residents who require assistance 3 Know when and how to report any oral health concerns (referring to local protocols) 4 Summarise the importance of the different oral care forms (eg. risk assessment, care plans and doc- umentation of daily oral care) 5 Carry out an oral health risk assessment 6 Describe the tech- niques and strategies that may help those residents with dementia, with specific reference to those resisting oral care 7 Recognise the need for specialised oral care 8
Support effective communication SCDHSC0021 Support the health & safety of yourself and individuals SCDHSC0022 Develop your own knowledge & practice SCDHSC0023 Support the safeguarding of individuals SCDHSC0024 Support individuals with their personal care needs SCDHSC0218 Contribute to the implementation of care or support plan activities SCDHSC0025 SVQ 2 Social Services & SCQF Level 6 Sheena’s SCQF Level 6
Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker : Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person- centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs Caring for Smiles — Key Messages Good oral health will contribute positively to overall health and wellbeing. Dental decay and gum disease are entirely preventable. Effective daily oral care can prevent oral disease. Looking after oral soft tissues is just as important as looking after the teeth. Early detection of mouth cancer is important so ‘if in doubt, get checked out’. Oral care is the responsibility of every member of the care staff. Care is required 24 hours a day, so this includes both night and day staff. Toothbrushing, diet and dental visits are the main steps towards good oral health, but may need some adaptations for older people. Oral care should be enhanced if older people need or prefer a higher intake of food or drinks containing sugar. Oral health risk assessments, care plans and documentation of daily care should be carried out for every resident. When a resident with dementia becomes uncooperative and won’t let you near their mouth – think! Are they in pain? Eating, drinking and swallowing problems are common among older people and require special assessment and care. In palliative and end-of-life care, mouth care must be carried out regularly to ensure the resident is kept as comfortable as possible. Improving the oral health of older people in Scotland is a Scottish Government priority. Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes
Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker : Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person-centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs
Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker : Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person-centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs
Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker : Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person-centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs
Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker : Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person-centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs
Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker : Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person-centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs
Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker : Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person-centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs
Caring for Smiles Learning Outcomes Sheena’s workrole activities as a support worker : Personal care Key working support Contributing to and implementing care plans — person-centred planning — personal outcomes approach Promotion of mental and physical activity Assessment and management of risk Maintaining and updating records Complying with H&S policies and procedures Taking responsibility for own professional development Undertaking any necessary training Support to administering of prescribed medication Working in partnership with individuals, carers and others Providing support to individuals in meeting physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs
MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. Promoting Excellence Includes exemplar mapping of SVQ Unit HSC3112* [ Support individuals to identify and promote their own health and social well- being ] to ‘Dementia Skilled’ Some Promoting Excellence resources specifically for educators and trainers … * Revised NOS & SVQs — HSC3112 has been replaced by SCDHSC3112 [ Support individuals to manage their own health and social wellbeing ]
MAIN HEADER GOES HERE Bullets and body text here. Promoting Excellence
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