By Technology Initiative Committee Chair- Kimberlee Campbell
75% of the teachers used the laptops when accessible one to two days per week. 25% of the teachers used them two to four days per week.
50 % of the teachers said they would use them daily. 25 % of the teachers said they would use them three days a week. 25 % of the teachers said they would use them two days a week. 0 % of the teachers said they would not use them at all.
Participation Specific Training Trainer Timing
87 % YES 12.5 % NO 12.5 % I’ll sleep on it.
Outside Consultant 12.5 % Within district personnel 12.5 % Trainer to trainer 87.5 % Individual peers/mentor 37.5 %
Morning training 12.5 % Inservice training 75 % Afterschool training 12.5 % PLC Plan training 62.5 %
Those with advanced computer training from our building would be willing to train other colleagues. (57 %) Only a few stated that they would not be comfortable.(28%) Only one did not want to participate.(14%)
Over half the teachers are comfortable in using the comfortable. No one stated they were not. Very few need basic skills laptop training to operate and function. Therefore it can be implemented into rooms sooner. Last year access to laptops was minimal with 75 % saying they did not use it more than once or twice in a week. There is a NEED for equal access among the building. Over 50 % of those teachers would use it two times more if it were easily accessible. More than 87 % of the teachers would take training. 87 % would rather be trained within the building by a train the trainer concept in an in-service meeting.