+ Travel Survey How to write a questionnaire and collate the data
+ 1.Define the Problem What is the purpose? Who is out target population? What do we want to use the information for? What do we want to know?
+ 1.Define the Problem The purpose of our survey is to find out what people think about the foreshore as a destination Our target population will depend on your chosen demographic, families, couples, overseas visitors ect? We can use the information to help us understand how to market our destination better? We want to know why people come to Mandurah for holidays, where they are from and what attractions they like or dislike.
+ Designing a Questionnaire Plan how it will be administered for example we will be interviewing in person What are some questions we could ask? What kind of answers are we looking for? Don’t ask leading questions; those that give long or vague answers Closed question will give us a No or Yes answer. For example are you a local resident? Open questions will need tick boxes to choose from. How did you travel to Mandurah? Bus, Train, Car, Other?
+ Creating A Frequency Table of Results We create a table for each question we have created. Table should have three columns 1. The answers to the question we asked 2. Tally – number of people who ticked that answer 3. Frequency - total number of tally marks, how many people fit that answer AgeTallyFrequency 0-10I II IIII III III3 51+I1
+ Creating a Bar Chart or Pie Chart Using word you can create a bar or pie graphs of your results