February 19, 2015 Mapping croplands using Landsat data with generalized classifier over large areas Aparna Phalke and Prof. Mutlu Ozdogan Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies University of Wisconsin - Madison
Updates on following Agro-Ecozone selection in the study area LDA at new Ag-eco zone level Data hunting
Ag-eco zones (AEZ) in the study area According FAO-GAEZ layer of ‘Reference length of growing period’, total 16 classes fall in the study area These 16 classes are aggregated to get 8 classes as follows:
AEZ in study area
LDA at Agro-eco zone(AEZ) level
Data hunting Cropland maps from Polish Government by field survey Statistical data of Poland (by Polish Government) ( er?p_id=383354&p_token= ) er?p_id=383354&p_token= CORINE 30 m MARS data
Map by Polish Government
Statistical data
Thank you