Radiation hardness of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) D.Berst, J.Bol, W. de Boer M. Caccia, G.Claus, C.Colledani, G.Deptuch, M. Deveaux, W.Dulinski, G.Gaycken, D. Grandjean, L.Jungermann, J.L. Riester, M.Winter Radiation hardness of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) Outline: Operation principle of MAPS Features of MAPS Radiation hardness tests on MAPS
Readout-electronics and sensors are integrated on the same substrate. What stands MAPS for? Monolithic: Readout-electronics and sensors are integrated on the same substrate. Active Pixel : Signal processing microcircuits are integrated in each pixel. Sensor MAPS were developed for visible light applications by industry. MAPS are produced with standard CMOS-processes. R&D for International Linear Collider VD since 1999 @ IReS/LEPSI CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
The operation principle of MAPS Sensor design: P-Well Diode (N-Well) A MIP creates ~80e/h pairs per µm in Si The Active volume (Epitaxial layer) is not depleted. Charge gets collected via thermal diffusion. Epitaxial Layer Substrate Diode 1-2µm 4-14µm CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
The operation principle of MAPS Particle trajectory Preamplifier (one per pixel) Diffusing free electrons ~20-40µm CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
Classical MAPS-design Leakage currents get compensated Some simple preamplifiers 3 Transistor Pixel Self Bias Pixel Amplifier (Source Follower) High resistivity diode Amplifier (Source Follower) Classical MAPS-design leakage current => Pedestals after CDS Regular RESET is required Leakage currents get compensated No RESET is required CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
The MIMOSA - Technology Minimum Ionizing Particle MOS Active Pixel Sensor Features of the MIMOSA (I – VI) – detectors: Single point resolution 1.5µm - 2.5µm Typical Pixel – pitch ~20µm Thinning achieved to 120µm (1 Wafer to 50µm...) S/N for MIPs 20 – 40 Detection efficiency > 99% 1MPixel sensor „serial“ readout in ~10ms Produced in various commercial CMOS-Processes Radiation hardness: several 1011 up to 1012neq/cm² MIMOSA IV CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
Studies on radiation hardness Key parameter: Charge collection MAPS were calibrated with 5,9 keV (55Fe) Photons. Produce ~1640 free electrons (same order of magnitude as MIPs) Very local interaction Hit in the depleted area. 100% collection efficiency. Hit in the epitaxial layer. Collection efficiency? Hit in the substrate close to epitaxial layer. Sensitive with limited efficiency. Build a „charge collection spectrum“
First studies Mimosa 2 Conclusion on Mimosa 2 after ~ 400kRad: Peak from epitaxial layer. Substantial drop in charge collection after irradiation ~ 400kRad Peak from depleted area. No change => Readout electro-nics ok. Underground from substrate Conclusion on Mimosa 2 after ~ 400kRad: Leakage currents increases by a factor ~5. Noise increases by some percent. Readout electronics OK. Charge collection drops by ~50% (kills the chip)
Two preamplifiers, two different results Mimosa 2 (MIETEC 0.35) Mimosa 4 (AMS 0.35) Amplifier (Source Follower) High resistivity diode Amplifier (Source Follower) 3 transistor pixel Self bias pixel Conclusion: Charge loss observed leakage current can be measured Indication: No Charge loss Leakage current cannot be measured CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
A working hypothesis: Main difference: Presence of an enclosed reset transistor SiO2 non irrad. SiO2 irradiated Reset transistor + positive charge create locally high fields. P-Well barrier gets depleted. Parasitic charge collection by the Reset-Transistor. CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
Successor1, a chip to study radiation hardness SUCCESSOR = Sucima Cmos ChargE SenSOR Designed within the SUCIMA project (FP5). Tests: IReS, SUCIMA and GSI. Process: AMIS 0.35 (Should be similar to MIETEC 0.35) Design goal: Radiation hard prototype for a medical dosimeter with high spatial resolution. 8 different pixel designs, only 1 discussed here: 33 x 32 pixels 3.2 x 3.2 µm² diode size. Source and drain of reset transistor swapped Non uniform pixel pitch (25 and 35 µm steps) Irradiated: Up to 1MRad X-Rays Silicon ultra fast cameras for electron and gamma sources in medical applications CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
Successor1 leakage current before and after irradiation y x Observation: Leakage current increases by a factor 200-300 Leakage currents are very different for identical pixels depending on their position on the chip. => Induced heat due to nearby output buffer? CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
Successor1 noise Noise increase depends on the running conditions: (Lines to guide the eye) (Lines to guide the eye) Noise increase depends on the running conditions: More than factor 2 for +20°C and 2.5MHz sampling (~1ms integration time) Less than 20% for –15°C and 10MHz sampling (~0.2ms integration time) Even lower integration time is required for most tracking applications CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
Successor1 charge collection Successor1 before and after 1MRad X-Rays Observations (Priliminary): No significant influence on gain T = -15°C t = ~ 200µs Charge collected in 1 pixel [ADC] No significant charge loss Charge collected in 9 pixels [ADC] CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)
Charge loss, being the main problem so far, seems stopped. Conclusion: Charge loss, being the main problem so far, seems stopped. Noise increase can probably be handled. Evidence that a 1MRad resistant MAPS-detector can be build. Outlook: Analysis on Successor1-data has to be refined and completed Beamtests with similar tracking chip were done. Results underway. Long term: Find a way to reduce leakage currents CBM collaboration meeting, GSI Darmstadt, 6-8 Oct 2004, Michael Deveaux (michael.deveaux@ires.in2p3.fr)