Chapter 1 Section 1.1
1. Describe why it is important to be a good role model for children. Adults have an impact on children. – Impact: Significant effect Children learn through imitation, or watching others. People and events help shape who children will become.
2. 4 Benefits of Interacting Studying/Children. 1. Learn why children feel, think, and act the way they do. – Learn typical behaviors that explain some behaviors. 2. Discover caregiver’s importance. – Learn the relationship between child and caregiver. – Understand the child’s dependence. 3. Enjoy children more. – Once you understand why they act in a certain way, you can experience and appreciate their honesty, humor, energy, and curiosity. 4. Learn about career opportunities. – There are many jobs related to children and childcare. Interacting with children helps you find out whether these careers are for you or not.
3. Learning Through Play! While reading to your nephew Stefan, how are you helping him develop mental, physical, and social skills? Mental: Learning that written words are linked to spoken words and that they have meaning Physical: Flipping the pages, holding up the book, pointing at pictures Social: Talking with you, learning through the story
4. Think of a major event during your childhood (moving to a new house, a parent’s divorce, a new sibling, a death in the family, etc.) how did this affect who you are today? Example Answer: When I was four years old, my dad passed away. I had to learn to be very independent and help my mother out more than some children. Because of this, I am very responsible and rely mostly on myself, even today.
5. How can interacting and studying children help you gain new skills and understand yourself better? Gain New Skills: Children take special care that require learning to take place. If you work as a nanny, you may learn how to bathe and change a baby, prepare healthy meals, and encourage children. Understand Yourself: As you see how people and events shape childhood, you begin to look at your childhood differently. You also may find you have a passion for children. This could lead to a career working with children.
6. Define a typical behavior. A way of acting or responding that is common at each stage of childhood.
7. Graphic Organizer: As you read the section on page 10-11, use this chart to contrast Childhood in the past and in the present.