euroCRIS Web site Stockholm, 9 May 2007 Anne Asserson
Web site should be CERIF driven What should be publicly available? Structure
CERIF driven Users want to see a CERIF-CRIS in action. Web pages are in themselves such a demonstration, but today not the way users would like. How many publications are there from this department of a university? Live CERIF tutorial /Best Practice Help users to understand the CERIF model. How the links works etc. One should be able to test out the CERIF model by activating the diagram. Give an opportunity to see the entities and also to see the relationships Could be a part of IWETO or another application….
What should be public? Access to general information, all information about the CERIF model, charter, info on conferences (presentations, full text, participants, picture/with disclaimers). The ER diagram should be publicly available. Web site should have the CERIF pilot available TG Areas (more to be published) About (charter public ?) Pictures (Board portraits, others) News (Board responsibility), Newsletter (layouted, closed format (pdf)) Members Meetings (summary, programme) DRIS (HTML collection: name, url, contact) ERGO (CERIF-based Client-Server Application) Knowledge (Tutorials, News Archive)
…info for Members Information such as products that has been worked on or processed. Everything on the ‘service level’ such as scripts, charter, minutes from the board meeting (adapted for members), access to task groups external information, Minutes Board Electronic Voting (later)
….info for Board need to have minutes and other information, need a content management tool. Minutes Board More?
….info for Task groups need lists for members, own areas on the site, need to keep control of requirements and deliveries. We need to have a flexible updating system and routines. The task group leaders should be able to update their pages. TG Areas (maintain, develop TG related work)
Template structure All access initially from top page. From this there are public pages, and other pages behind an ID/ password challenge. This is a way to measure the hit on the top page and thus measure activity of euroCRIS Left should be inward (down, up, sideways) links Right should be outward links. Top is identification and navigation position of the page. (Contacts | Events | Publications | Pictures) see Bottom should be legalistic. This includes logos and supporters. Must be possible to link up individual web urls /pages
Technical requirements Hardware Physical Server (costs about Euro) Server Set Up Hosting (currently CCLRC -> future JISC ?) Software Conference Tool (php technology) (developed at University of Kassel) Possibilities for setting up an open source Content Management System (e.g. Zope/Plone) for the euroCRIS Intranet CERIF-based euroCRIS website including ERGO2 (client-server application, database, services)
Webpage presentation of the Strategic Seminar EventName: Strategic seminar 2007 : CRIS and European e- infrastructure – enabling European Research EventDescription: “This session will explore the needs of research managers, researchers, funding organisations, innovators and the media and what they demand of the e-infrastructure to satisfy those requirements...” Keywords: Database, Research Information... Organized by: euroCRIS, september 2007 Sponsored by: Flemish Ministry of Science In cooperation with: EARMA, ALLEA, Codata,..... Contact: Hans Hansen, University of Bergen,
Webpage presentation of members info Name: Mr. John Smith, BSc, Postal adress: 10 Claypits Lane, Shrivenham, Swindon, UK Organisation: Physics DepartmentManchester University16 Hill Street, Manchester, UK
Web presentation of conference article in proceeding Keith G Jeffery, Anne Asserson: ‘Supporting the Research Process with a CRIS’ in Anne Gams Steine Asserson, Eduard J Simons (eds) ‘Enabling interaction and Quality: Beyond the Hanseatic League’ Proceedings 8th International Conference on Research Information Systems, CRIS 2006 Conference, Bergen, May 2006, pp Leuven University Press, Leuven ISN
Issues If CERIF drives the web pages, do we need a -conference tool -content management system We has to make a decision whether we have to build our own repository or use pre-exsisting What information should be driven from CERIF and the repository. Should every atom of content be driven from CERIF /repository ?