My Academic Strengths And weaknesses
My Academic Strengths #1 I am good at adding and subtracting fractions #2 I am also good at adding and subtracting decimals #3 I am very good at organizing #4 I am love reading and I am good at it
My Academic Weaknesses #1 I am not good at checking my work #2 I have a hard time multiplying 8’s and 9’s #3 I also have a hard time dividing 7’s, 8’s and 9’s #4 I am not good at work with history projects in social studies #5 And I am not very good at writing story's
Plans to improve some of my weaknesses #1 I could ask my mom or dad to test me on my division and multiplication #2 I should try to check over my work for at least 5 minutes after I finish
My Social Strengths #1 I like trying new things #2 I am good at communicating with classmates #3 I am willing to participate at any event #4 I am responsible for my own homework #5 I get along with all my classmates
My Social Weaknesses #1 I am very short-tempered when I get mad #2 And sometimes I make poor choices by talk to my friends when a teachers are talking #3 Sometimes I'm impatience when things are really long
Plans to improve some of my weaknesses #1 I should try to not talk to my friends when a teacher is talking #2 When I get mad I should try to walk away from the problem