© 2003 Wadsworth Publishing Co. Chapter 5 The Development of Rational Choice Theory Criminology 8 th edition Larry J. Siegel
From Classical Choice Theories to Modern Rational Choice Views The basis of this perspective over time has dealt with four key relationships: 1) Law 2) Crime 3) Punishment 4) Deterrence
Question Do you think that a criminal act is a matter of “rational choice?” In order for behavior to be rational - must this behavior be learned first, in order to make a structured choice of crime?
Core Concepts of Choice or Classical Criminology People’s choice can be controlled By the fear of punishment. The more severe, certain and swift the punishment, the greater its ability to control criminal behavior. Punishment must also be proportional to the crime. People choose all behavior, including criminal behavior. Derived from the notion of free-will.
Four Utilitarian Objectives of Punishment To ensure that a criminal uses no more force than is necessary. To ensure that a criminal uses no more force than is necessary. To prevent a crime as cheaply as possible. To prevent all criminal offenses. To prevent all criminal offenses. When it cannot prevent a crime, to convince the offender to commit a less serious one.
Beccaria – Classical Theory l Rational Choice Bentham – Classical Theory l Utilitarianism th Amendment – U.S. Constitution l Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Choice Theory 70’s in the and 80”s National surveys fail to find rehabilitation programs “that work,” i.e., Martinson’s What Work’s. Thinking About Crime by James Q. Wilson debunks view that crime was a function of external forces. Wilson proposes a forceful reaction to crime, otherwise, those sitting on the fence will get the idea that “crime pays”
1980’s - Crime Control Dim view of rehabilitation Conservative view takes over, i.e., Ronald Reagan Federal Sentencing Guidelines enacted and elimination of federal parole State sentencing guidelines in 22 states Mandatory Minimums, i.e., drug crimes Just deserts policies, i.e, lex talionus and the retributive philosophy
Research indicates that crime pays relatively little. Research indicates that crime pays relatively little. Criminals tend to overestimate the money they receive from crime Criminals believe there is no choice, legitimate work is not available. Criminals believe there is no choice, legitimate work is not available. Criminals are overly optimistic about getting away with each individual crime
QUESTION If crime pays relatively little, why are there so many criminals?
Choice Theories: Rational Choice MAJOR PREMISE Law-violating behavior is an event that occurs after offenders weigh information on their personal needs and the situational factors involved in the difficulty and risk of committing a crime. MAJOR PREMISE Law-violating behavior is an event that occurs after offenders weigh information on their personal needs and the situational factors involved in the difficulty and risk of committing a crime. STRENGTHS Explains why high-risk youth do not constantly engage in delinquency acts. Relates theory to delinquency control policy. It is not limited by class or other social variables. STRENGTHS Explains why high-risk youth do not constantly engage in delinquency acts. Relates theory to delinquency control policy. It is not limited by class or other social variables.
Rational Choice Theory Rational choice theory is based on the concept of the “reasoning criminal,” i.e., risk/punishment – value/gain. Rational choice theory is offender specific – offender criminality is a result of structured behavior as opposed to a random act. Rational choice theory is offense specific – offenders react selectively to the characteristics of a particular offenses.
Rational Choice Theory Rational choice theory is concerned with conditions which promote crime and enhance criminality. Rational choice theory is concerned with situational crime prevention, i.e., reducing opportunities to commit crimes. Both Jeffery and Clarke propose strategies to reduce the overall crime rate by controlling the environment and specific targets, i.e., defensible space – they focus on eliminating criminal opportunity in residential areas.
Rational Choice and Routine Activities Routine activities provides a macro view of crime, rational choice theory provides a micro view of why individuals offenders decide to commit specific crimes. The connection between the two theories: target vulnerability is a consideration presence of capable guardians may deter crime crime rates correspond to the number of motivated criminals. The strength of this approach is that it can explain fluctuations in crime and delinquency rates and shows how victim behavior can influence criminal choices. Routine activities provides a macro view of crime, rational choice theory provides a micro view of why individuals offenders decide to commit specific crimes. The connection between the two theories: target vulnerability is a consideration presence of capable guardians may deter crime crime rates correspond to the number of motivated criminals. The strength of this approach is that it can explain fluctuations in crime and delinquency rates and shows how victim behavior can influence criminal choices.
Personal Factors Associated With Why People Choose Criminality Perceptions of economic opportunity, i.e., legal opportunity vs. illegal profit/benefit Learning and experience, i.e., limitations Learning Criminal Techniques, i.e., type of crime, time and place, and specific crime target
Structuring Crime Not only do criminal structure their career but they rationally choose: The type of crime to commit Where it occurs Who or what will be the target The time the crime will be committed Not only do criminal structure their career but they rationally choose: The type of crime to commit Where it occurs Who or what will be the target The time the crime will be committed
How Are These Behaviors the Product of Rational Thought? Street Crime Drug Use Violence Are there different definitions of “rational”?
QUESTION What can a criminal “gain” from criminal activity?
Benefits or “Gains” from Crime Illicit earnings: Cash, property, drugs, etc. Power: Control of their environment Establishing or proving themselves within the criminal enterprise Self-esteem Short-term problem solving Increased feeling of competence, assertiveness, and/or power as a result of antisocial acts
Situational Crime Prevention Reducing Anticipated Rewards 9. Target removal 10. Identifying property 11. Reducing temptation 12. Denying benefits Reducing Anticipated Rewards 9. Target removal 10. Identifying property 11. Reducing temptation 12. Denying benefits Inducing Guilt or Shame 13. Rule setting 14. Strengthening moral condemnation 15. Controlling disinhibitors 16. Facilitating compliance Increasing Perceived Effort 1. Target hardening 2. Access control 3. Deflecting offenders 4. Controlling facilitators Increasing Perceived Effort 1. Target hardening 2. Access control 3. Deflecting offenders 4. Controlling facilitators Increasing Perceived Risks 5. Entry / exit screening 6. Formal surveillance 7. Surveillance by employees 8. Natural surveillance
Three Factors of Situational Crime Prevention Diffusion Discouragement Displacement
Rational Choice and Philosophies of Punishment
QUESTION Should offenders be punished on the basis of whether they deserve to be punished, or should they be punished based on the premise that it may affect or deter their future behavior?
Deterrence The punishment philosophy that says punishment’s aim is to prevent future offenses by setting an example for both the offender and others; i.e., specific and general.
General Deterrence The version of deterrence that seeks to prevent crime by using punishment to show others who are considering a criminal act that they will suffer painful consequences if they commit that act.
Choice Theories: General Deterrence MAJOR PREMISE MAJOR PREMISE People will commit crime and delinquency if they perceive that the benefits outweigh the risks. Crime is a function of the severity, certainty, and speed of punishment. People will commit crime and delinquency if they perceive that the benefits outweigh the risks. Crime is a function of the severity, certainty, and speed of punishment. MAJOR PREMISE MAJOR PREMISE People will commit crime and delinquency if they perceive that the benefits outweigh the risks. Crime is a function of the severity, certainty, and speed of punishment. People will commit crime and delinquency if they perceive that the benefits outweigh the risks. Crime is a function of the severity, certainty, and speed of punishment. STRENGTHS STRENGTHS Shows the relationship between crime and punishment. Suggests a real solution to crime. Shows the relationship between crime and punishment. Suggests a real solution to crime. STRENGTHS STRENGTHS Shows the relationship between crime and punishment. Suggests a real solution to crime. Shows the relationship between crime and punishment. Suggests a real solution to crime.
Studies of General Deterrence There is little clear cut evidence that the perception or reality of punishment can deter most crime. The certainty of punishment seems to have a greater influence on the choice of crime than the severity of punishment. There is little clear cut evidence that the perception or reality of punishment can deter most crime. The certainty of punishment seems to have a greater influence on the choice of crime than the severity of punishment.
Specific Deterrence The version of deterrence that seeks to prevent crime by using punishment to show the criminal that the criminal act was undesirable because it brought more pain than pleasure. Possible problems include: Chronic offenders may increase their rate of offending or defiance. Juveniles may experience leniency in punishment. The effect of specific deterrence as a punishment strategy is uncertain.
Choice Theories: Specific Deterrence MAJOR PREMISE If punishment is severe enough, criminals will not repeat their illegal acts. MAJOR PREMISE If punishment is severe enough, criminals will not repeat their illegal acts. STRENGTHS Provides a strategy to reduce crime.. STRENGTHS Provides a strategy to reduce crime..
Testing The Assumption That Capital Punishment Deters Violent Crime Studies that have tested this assumption have focused on: Studies that have tested this assumption have focused on: Immediate impact Comparative research Time-Series Studies What do these studies show? Studies that have tested this assumption have focused on: Studies that have tested this assumption have focused on: Immediate impact Comparative research Time-Series Studies What do these studies show?
Incapacitation The punishment philosophy that says punishment’s aim is to prevent an offender’s freedom to move about. Traditionally, this was accomplished by placing the offender in prison, but recent technology suggests that incapacitation might also be achieved with tools like electronic monitoring.
Choice Theories: Incapacitation MAJOR PREMISE Keeping known criminals out of circulation will reduce crime rates. MAJOR PREMISE Keeping known criminals out of circulation will reduce crime rates. STRENGTHS Recognizes the role opportunity plays in criminal behavior. Provides a solution to chronic offending. STRENGTHS Recognizes the role opportunity plays in criminal behavior. Provides a solution to chronic offending.
Questions What is the difference between traditional incapacitation and “selective incapacitation” models? How does “aging out” relate to incapacitation models?
Selective Incapacitation Under this version of incapacitation, imprisonment is used only for a select group of especially dangerous repeat offenders whose freedom of movement must be restricted to protect society. Example: “Three Strikes and You’re Out Policies”
QUESTIONS Are criminals rational decision makers or, are they motivated by uncontrollable psychological and emotional drives? If you were caught by police while shoplifting, which would you be more afraid of: receiving criminal punishment or, having to face your friends or relatives and experience shame and embarrassment?