LIB 5020 Information Sources and Services Class 5 of 6
Agenda For the Common Good Review S&D #3 and #4 Resource Presentations Geographical Sources Special and Government Sources Pathfinders Homework
For the Common Good AETZone Blogs Discussion Boards Texts CPCP Project Other?
Review S&D #3 and #4
Reference Presentations SD#5: Geographic Sources (Ch. 10) SD#6: Special Sources and Government Sources (Ch. 9 and 12)
Pathfinders 5 Pathfinder “Stations” 5 groups of 3 students Rotate through all 5 stations 10, 7, 5, 5, 3 minutes List characteristics, strengths, weaknesses Regroup: Two groups Compile results - create list of common characteristics Share
Pathfinders Continued… Project Assignment (Due last class) Create Pathfinder on topic of your choosing Format: Wiki (in MediaPedia) Topic: Your choice (S&D topics) May use notes from class, template provided, or other resources Share template documents and sites Prepare to present at last class (10 minutes - stations) Grading “components” = C “components” = B 16+ “components” = A Must have minimum of 3 items for each “component”
Wikis Media Pedia: Creating New Pages Adding External Links Adding Images Formatting Pages Wiki Help Page:
Homework Text - Continue Ch (Cassell) Blogs Reflections on Pathfinder Project CPCP Projects Discussion Boards - discussion of text (Ch ) Pathfinder (in wiki) Search and Discuss Assignments Work on #5 and #6 Next Class - Be prepared to share pathfinders and CPCP Vision