Pectoral Girdle / Shoulder Very light and has high degree of mobility Considered an open joint Consists of the following bones Clavicle -anteriorly Scapula – has free movement across the thorax (posteriorly) Vertebrae – muscle attachment
Clavicles provide a source of bracing for the arm and scapula The scapula (shoulder blade) is flat bone that articulates with humerus (glenoid cavity) and clavicle (acromion). Dorsal feature
Upper Limb The upper arm extends from the shoulder to the elbow and contains only 1 bone – HUMERUS Humerus = longest and largest bone of upper limb Articulates with the scapula at the shoulder along with the ulna and radius at the elbow
FOREARM The forearm is between the elbow and wrist Contains the Ulna and Radius The ulna forms the elbow joint and articulates proximally with the radius and distally with the carpals at the wrist The radius articulates with the proximal end of humerus and distally with the carpals of the wrist and the ulna
WRIST / PALM The wrist consists of 8 short bones arranged in 2 rows of 4 bones The metacarpus (palm) consists of 5 small, long bones numbered 1-5 from thumb to little finger Articulates proximally with the carples and the phalanges distally
HAND / FINGERS The fingers consist of 14 bones The thumb (pollex) is considered digit # I and has only 2 phalanges The other fingers # II – V each have 3 phalanges