Exodus Through the Wilderness This journey is covered by the rest of the book of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.


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Presentation transcript:

Exodus Through the Wilderness This journey is covered by the rest of the book of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy

It was a difficult Journey Food and water were scarce and there were hostile people in the area which resented their passage. It was the time of discontent, rebellion and test of faith.

Divine Presence and Guidance The journey in the wilderness was an experience of grace for Israel. These were the years when God was very close to them. His guidance and gracious aid is ever-present and provides his people with what they need.

Daily Sustenance of Food and Water Quail and Manna (Bread) Water

Victory over Enemies The Amalekites were the first group of people battled and triumphed over by Israel

Divine grace during the journey During their travel in the desert God gave them many signs of his presence and protection. 1.Pillar of Clouds during the day 2.Pillar of Fire during the night

Exodus at Sinai God establishes a covenant with Israel making her His chosen people.

The Ten Commandments as The Law of the Covenant The Decalogue are the will of the Father. (CCC 2059) on the code of behavior God requires of Israel First three: Chief obligations owed to God Last seven: Obligations to one another

The Israelites Accept the Covenant The Israelites formally accepted the covenant offered by God. “We will do everything that the Lord told us” (Ex. 24:3) By accepting the covenant with God, Israel became one nation.

Two Rites that ratified the Covenant The first rite is a, sacred meal participated by Moses, Aaron and the elders of Israel in the Presence of God

The second rite is a sacrifice, a blood rite. Moses set up 12 sacred pillars and an altar. Half of the blood were poured on the altar which represents God and half to the people.

The sacrifice signifies the union of God and Israel. The blood symbolizes life. Israel’s obedience to the covenant was the basis of enjoying life with God.

Ark of the Covenant – A wooden chest containing the two stone tablets were the Ten Commandments. It is a memorial of the covenant. The ark is regarded as the earthly presence of YHWH, even a royal throne.

Tabernacle It is a tent covering the Ark of the Covenant. It is the figure of the future temple which is a place of encounter between God and His people.

Sacrificial Worship Considered as gifts offered to God Visible sign of the interior sentiments of people They can only be acceptable to God if offered with the heart capable of sacrificing in a spirit of faith like that of Abraham

Types of Sacrificial Worship A.Holocaust The entire animal is completely burned “To signify that the gift is total and irrevocable” and that it is returned by right to God the master of life.

B. Communion Sacrifice Only part of the offering is consumed by fire with the rest being roasted and given to the priest and to the one offering, who then shares it with family and friends in meal.

Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement C. Sacrifice of Expiation It most important feature is the sprinkling of the blood on the Ark of the Covenant. It expresses repentance or atonement for the sins and desires for pardon

D. Offering of incense, of vegetables and bread The first fruits are usually considered the best and therefore worthy to be offered to God. 12 cakes of bread symbolizes the pledge of the 12 tribes to God.

Moses’ Legacy of Faith

A. There is but one God who reveals his name as YHWH The first commandment say “ You shall have no other gods beside me.” It is an invitation to serve God alone who requires loyalty to his people B. YHWH is a saving God who enters human history “This God is not distant: he is not absent from human struggles for justice and liberty” (Charpentier 30)

C. God has taken the initiative to establish a close relationship with the people. It is God who calls people into a relationship It is God who first promises (Ex 19-18) Israel’s relationship with him is that of a firstborn son (Ex 4:22-23)

D. The law of God is essential to the covenant The law expresses the condition that God laid down for his people “God’s law is a law of love; it is a law of divine guidance, showing us how to live in order to make a success of our life in society”

Learning the ways of Faith Their journey lasted for 40 years in the desert. The desert experience deepen their faith and trust in God. During this time God disciplined His people and prepared them to live as the Chosen people of Canaan.

Israel shows its discontent and infidelity Although God provided the Israelites with what they needed to survive. They complained about their food. Others disobeyed Moses and refused to follow his instructions. Worst of all Israelites worshipped other gods

Significance of the Exodus and Sinai event A. For the Israelites Exodus is the central event in Israel’s history They formed the basis for liturgical celebration and prayer life Marks that all Israelites enters personally to the covenant of God and their ancestors The Feast Passover: Annual profession of faith in the loving God who freed his people out of slavery and brought them to the land he promised to Abraham and his descendants. (Flanagan 38-39)

B. For Christians Prefigures the new Exodus and the new covenant God rescued us from the power of Satan, from sin and from death We celebrate and renew the covenant in the Eucharist: both the sacrifice of Christ and sacred meal We share in this saving event through the sacrament of baptism We journey through the bondage of sin towards the promise of the land of heaven just as the Israelites journeyed through the wilderness (Heb 3- 4)

Reflection Paper (Paragraph) (1 whole) Write down an instance in which you complained to God and to your parents about things you don’t really need and answer the following questions: 1. Why are we sometimes ungrateful to the blessings we receive? 2. How did God / parents responded to these instances that we are ungrateful? 3. How can we learn to express our gratitude naturally and sincerely to them?