Let’s see…
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Global Positioning System
United States Postal System
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Be Right Back
I Know, Right?
Laugh/Laughing Out Loud
There’s a type of poetry which resembles the acronyms we had earlier. Anyone who knows? What do you mean IDK? Try harder!☺
Acrostic Poetry A djectives C apital letters R hyming not a must O ne letter per line S tay on the topic T errific way to review I maginative C an be time consuming Note: not my original poem; source: the web
Acrostic Poetry Phrase or just one word Organized Every letter is used Try to describe Really easy You can make your own Note: not my original poem; source: the web
1.Acrostic Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme. 2.It needs plenty of details. 3.Keep an open mind as you write. 4.You can write about any topic you want (but I’ll tell you what you will write about later ☺). 5.Add your true feelings and ideas to whatever you decide to write about. 6.Have help from a friend or family member (as a peer editor). 7.Think before you begin writing poetry. 8.Enjoy! Some (unwritten) Rules in Writing Acrostic Poetry
Good Example Happy feelings all around A look of joy upon faces Purposely smiling People get the inspiration to smile You should too! Bad Example Holding Apple Poodle Price You Examples: Note: not my original poem; source: the web
1.For today, you need to compose four (4) examples of Acrostic Poetry 2.Your topics are: a.Yourself/Your first name b.Christmas c.Hanukkah (use this spelling, please) d.Kwanzaa 3. Papers are to be turned in today. 25% will be deducted if you pass it tomorrow.
Let’s watch the videos about these celebrations… (If there’s extra time, you can watch them again.)