Year 7 Poetry Exam When is the exam? 4 th – 15 th January (first two weeks back after Christmas) How long is the exam? 45 minutes What will I have to do? You will be asked a ‘how’ question about one of the poems you have studied. 'How does (poet) present his/her feelings towards ______ in the poem _______ You should: Explore the use of language, structure and form Use relevant quotations to support your interpretations Use relevant subject terminology You will be given a clean (blank) copy of the poem. You will NOT have your anthology with you in the exam. You will need to answer using PEE
Year 7 Poetry Exam What will the exam be marked on? The exam will be marked for AO1 and AO2 (each AO will be weighted equally, 50% each) AO1 Literature: Use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations. AO2 Literature: Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.
Complete the following definitions in your poetry glossary. language – The words that have been chosen and the effect of them. form – The physical structure/shape of the poem: the length of the lines, their rhythms, their system of rhymes and repetition. What poetic forms do you already know? structure – The way a poem is organised. The order of the poem.
How can I revise? 1)Read through the poems you have studied in class and your annotations. 2)Try and predict what the question could be for each poem. 3)Practise PEE paragraphs answering a how question such as: 'How does (poet) present his/her feelings towards ______ in the poem _______ You should: Explore the use of language, structure and form Use relevant quotations to support your interpretations Use relevant subject terminology
Practice Exam Question How does Betjeman present the mouse in ‘Diary of a Church Mouse’? Most ‘how’ questions in English will need to be answered using PEE. Point – make a clear point that directly answers the question Evidence – support your point with evidence (a quotation from the text) Explain – explain clearly using your own words what your evidence shows/suggests to the reader.