Hello!! This is the Holywell Eco-Committee our focus is wattage!
Here is what we’ve been up to! Class discussions Whole school assemblies. Eco meetings fun week in the theme of WATTAGE, INCLUDING ART, DRAMA, MUSIC AND A QUIZ!!!! Making salt dough to spread our eco messages. We (as a school) entered a Bromsgrove district poetry competition about climate change. We've even written to our local MP, stressing the damage of climate change!!!
Salt dough with Eco messages We’re going to sell them at the Christmas fair!
Art from fun week We looked at wasted energy from lights
Switch off lights – D&T project!
Future plans!! Here are some ideas to really MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Monitor our electricity use. Learning more about electricity production To carry on only using electricity when needed!!!
So here is what we’re doing …. WHAT ARE YOU????