Some guidelines on presentations Preparations Tell everything 3 times Duration Attitude and voice Using aids Handling questions
Preparing a presentation Find out in advance who will be your audience and what they want to know Study the subjects and prepare a series of specific points to follow Write these main points on small cards or better even on flip charts, OHP-sheets or power point presentation Rehearse beforehand, but never learn it by heart or read it out
Tell everything 3 times: Briefly in the introduction and final summary and in detail in between Introduction: raise the interest of the listeners and explain what, why and how your are going to cover the subjects Main presentation: detailed and well-structured explanation Finish: summary of the main points and conclusions
Duration KISS = Keep It Short and Simple It is better to stop while interest is still high than to continue until the audience gets bored Maximum duration is normally 20 minutes
Attitude and Voice Look around the whole group Speak naturally in a loud and clear voice Avoid distracting manners Be confident Being slightly nervous is normal Be enthusiastic Be yourself
Reasons for using aids: Capture attention of the audience Improve the retention: people remember better when they hear and see at the same time Respond to different learning styles Clearly highlight the main points Structure the presentation
Questions Ask questions to check whether you are understood (feedback!) Direct your questions first to the whole group Allow the audience to raise their own questions as well Take time to answer questions Let the audience answer as well
To summarise: Proper preparation – Who is your audience? What do they need to know? What is relevant? Prepare tools & media! Tell everything three times: introduction, explanation & summary Keep it short and simple Be confident & look around Speak loud and clearly Use aids Allow questions