Big Business Emerges 6, sec. 3
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie Steel Magnate
J. P. Morgan
Carnegie Poor Scottish immigrant Made fortune in Steel Hired talented assistants Worked efficiently Vertical Integration 1901 - owned 80% of steel industry
Social Darwinism Economic theory which stated that the strongest businesses and individuals will survive. Don’t regulate business Poor were lazy Rich were more intelligent
Rockefeller Gained control of Oil Industry Cheap, paid employees low wages Given the name Robber Barron
J.P. Morgan Created Holding companies - bought stock of other companies Bought Carnegie’s U.S. Steel - 500 million Created Monopolies
Charities Rockefeller gave away $500 million in his lieftime Carnegie - $325 million “The Man Who Dies Rich Dies Disgraced.” $3.5 billion in today’s money Carnegie - “Gospel of Wealth”
Sherman Anti-Trust Act Outlawed trusts but failed Businessman got richer and richer and workers had fewer rights.