RbD Subgroup Dean Johnson 8 th April 2008 RbD Subgroup Dean Johnson 8 th April 2008
Agenda RbD Verification Update Presentation of updated analysis Discussion of declining DMP sample Options available RbD Forecasting
RbD Verification Analysis Analysis period reflective of MOD152V timescales (Apr-04 to Mar-08) Trend – avg. cumulative over bill per DMP customer of 1,293 kWh for the period (323 / year) BUT: Recent trend indicates an under bill per SSP customer (cumulative difference) Pending analysis and receipt of further reconciliation and DMP data (up to 6 months) Per DMP Customer: Cumulative Billed, Actual & Difference (Billed-Actual)
RbD Imbalance – Causes Billed-Actual Difference LDZ Current Balance (TWH) Theft Of Gas Threshold Crossers Shrinkage Adjustment LDZ Adjustment Duplicates Late Confirmed Inter LDZ Transfers LDZ Postcode Discrepancy 2005 Postcode Discrepancy Remaining Balance (TWH) % Throughput 2004 (No Adjust) 2005 (No Adjust) 2006 (No Adjust) 2007 (Adjust to Flow) EA % EM % NE % NO % NT % NW % SC % SE % SO % SW % WM % WN % WS % Wales % Total % Items removed or adjusted to reflect the amended analysis period (MOD152: 4 years) 4 Year History (April 2004 to March 2008)
RbD Imbalance Summary LDZ March 2008 (>Apr04)September 07 (>Oct 03)February 2007 (>Feb98) Current Balance Summary No Return Summary Yet To Flow Remaining Balance % of Throughput Remaining Balance % of Throughput Remaining Balance % of Throughput EA % % % EM % % % NE % % % NO % % % NT % % % NW % % % SC % % % SE % % % SO % % % SW % % % WM % % % WN % % % WS % % % Wales % % % Total % % % Imbalance current TWH - reduction from previous (21.64TWH – September 07) Comparison: Mar08 / Sep07 / Feb07
Declining DMP Sample Size BGT DMP sample utilised in RbD Verification process from February 1998 50% reduction in sample size since DMP inception Significant reduction since 2004, more apparent in last 1 to 2 years Potential issues regarding confidence in RbD verification results… Feb98 10,689 Jan08 5,094
Declining DMP Sample Size DMP sample of 10,000 meter points represents a 0.95% margin of error i.e. The results presented are accurate to within +/- 0.95%, 95% of the time Current DMP sample size is 5,094 Represents 1.37% margin of error DMP sample is imperative to the RbD verification process Confidence in results not currently regarded as an issue BUT – sample reduction needs to be addressed and maintained going forward Additional interest is being placed on verification results Headings quoted - MOD194 ‘Correct Apportionment of NDM Error – Energy’ xoserve & BGT have discussed the DMP sample issues Options are available to address the declining DMP sample numbers…
Declining DMP Sample Size: Options Option 1: BGT to boost DMP sample numbers BGT solely responsible boost and maintain going forward Option 2: Additional Shipper involvement Additional samples from customer base, replicate BGT established process Option 3: Do nothing Sample numbers still good, error margin good, but sustainable? Option 4: Transporters / xoserve run own DMP sample Central operation and maintenance Option 5: Combine DMP with Demand Estimation data recorder sample Established sample - 3,440 data recorders currently installed on SSP sites Manual collection twice a year – used in deriving NDM Algorithms for allocation Combined; 8,600 sample (1.06% margin of error) Available data allows initial analysis - indicates following results…
Declining DMP Sample Size: Data Recorders Identify billed values and actual value for recorders (replicate DMP analysis) Data recorder analysis shows a different trend to DMP DMP indicates SSP Billed >Actual (over): DR indicates SSP Billed < Actual (under) Further investigation required, data available May Cumulative Billed, Actual & Difference (Billed-Actual) Per DR Customer
DMP Sample Size – Declining: Options RbD Sub Group to consider options: Option 1: BGT to boost DMP sample numbers Option 2: Additional Shipper involvement Option 3: Do nothing Option 4: Transporters / xoserve run own DMP sample Option 5: Combine DMP with Demand Estimation datarecorder sample