Mass Communication
Studying mass Communication Influence of media (e.g. cultivation, agenda setting, framing, social construction of reality)Influence of media (e.g. cultivation, agenda setting, framing, social construction of reality) Media ownershipMedia ownership Media representationsMedia representations Audience’s consumption and reactionAudience’s consumption and reaction Media’s role in socialization processMedia’s role in socialization process
Which side? Media’s fault or audience’s fault?Media’s fault or audience’s fault? Media sets the agenda or audience sets the agenda? Or both?Media sets the agenda or audience sets the agenda? Or both? Media representations impact real life perceptions or mirror real life? Or both?Media representations impact real life perceptions or mirror real life? Or both? Everyone can participate or select few?Everyone can participate or select few? We hate media or we consume media?We hate media or we consume media? Social media is helpful or harmful?Social media is helpful or harmful? Media cause more harm than good, or vice versa?Media cause more harm than good, or vice versa? Print media is still important or not as important?Print media is still important or not as important?
HCA #9 – class debate Opening -- Dr. GoldmanOpening -- Dr. Goldman Topic 1 -- Television and FilmTopic 1 -- Television and Film 20 minutes20 minutes Side 1 arguments (5 mins)Side 1 arguments (5 mins) Side 2 response/questions (5 mins)Side 2 response/questions (5 mins) Side 1 response/questions (5 mins)Side 1 response/questions (5 mins) Side 2 response/ final remarks on topic (5 mins)Side 2 response/ final remarks on topic (5 mins) Topic 2 – Radio, Print, AdvertisingTopic 2 – Radio, Print, Advertising 20 minutes20 minutes Side 2 arguments (5 mins)Side 2 arguments (5 mins) Side 1 response/questions (5 mins)Side 1 response/questions (5 mins) Side 2 response/questions (5 mins)Side 2 response/questions (5 mins) Side 1 response/ final remarks on topic (5 mins)Side 1 response/ final remarks on topic (5 mins) Topic 3 – Internet; Special Emphasis on Social MediaTopic 3 – Internet; Special Emphasis on Social Media 20 minutes Side 1 arguments (5 mins) Side 2 response/questions (5 mins) Side 1 response/questions (5 mins) Side 2 response/ final remarks on topic (5 mins) Closing remarks - Dr. GoldmanClosing remarks - Dr. Goldman Tuesday – prepare and organizeTuesday – prepare and organize Make sure all topics are covered; each person prepare for 2 topics, just in case. Homework: research (should be evident during debate); type a list of notes to use during the debate Thursday – debate. Submit typed arguments. Must participate in debate.