June 2013 Raise your hand: Click the hand icon as seen under the Participants window. When we call your name: Click the Talk button and speak into your microphone. Lower your hand It’s the same as step 1 Give yourself a checkmark Do not start the recording, please!
MLA/DLA 2015 Conference Committee Meeting July 30, 2014 | 2pm-4pm Purpose: To reinforce our team foundation, decide on a theme, and to develop a direction/framework for the conference programs. Objectives: Decide on a conference theme! Review program planning day in order to clarify the forms themselves, the process, and the timeline. Review how to use the wiki in order to communicate and share our progress Use the 2014 Conference Committee evaluation data in order to brainstorm solutions and improvements for Identify our primary audiences in order to establish program tracks. (If possible) Hear about what programs are already in the hopper across divisions and other program-planners. Schedule of events: 2:00pm: Welcome, warm-up, and what's up. 2:20pm: Progress check: updates since June 18 th and answers to the questions you’ve asked 2:40pm: Review conference timeline and the forms how-to process. 3:00pm: Decide on a theme. Use IdeaScale to share your ideas and to vote on others.IdeaScale 3:20pm: Discussion: Programs, Tracks, Lessons learned from Read/skim the feedback from 2014 conference attendees. 4:00pm (or before): All done! See you next time.
How are you feeling about the conference process so far? Use the whiteboard’s LINE tool to X out the corresponding smiley face. Raise your hand when finished.
Met July 11 w/ 6 NASA reps from 4 science depts. plus library Result: NASA is forming a conference team w/ reps from 4 science depts. Result: Is focused on getting us a ‘big name’ keynote speaker Result: Is focused on reviewing our program suggestions and deciding which to offer Result: Programs will be train-the-trainer style (resources plus application) Considering conference as kick-off event for long-term partnership with MLA & DLA FAQs now on the wiki – ask your questions and help answer others’ questions Any questions/answers not on the wiki are in the MLA Manual online Budget: $16,000 to cover expenses. Revenue Goal: # of Programs to be planned: 10 preconference spots and 60 regular program spots Minimum # of conference programs per division: one (1) Social Media: start tagging: #MLADLA15. Document the process, etc. How are programs decided: variety, cost, uniqueness. Can it be more collaborative? Needed: PubQuiz Team to be lead by Alan Simpson Needed: Dance Party Team to be lead by Lynette Parish & Amy Miller-Myers Needed: Vendor Team to be lead by Kate Monagan Conference: MLA Runners (2-3) Conference: Networking Uncommons & Hospitality Suite Concierges (3-5) Conference: Substitutes for Chris Holly (2-4) Conference: Set up banquet events (4)
Program Planners, Committee & Interest Group Chairs, raise your hand if you have progress to share!
Raise your hand or type your questions in chat.
Please standby while I attempt to do a screen share. Your monitor will flicker and change a bit.
In the event that screen share is too slow, we’ll review using screenshots...
Wiki >> Navigator on the right >> Scroll till you get to Important Dates Form Due Dates: Oct. 8: Preliminary Program Approval Form (PAF) Nov. 12: Speaker Agreement Forms (SAF) and, Conference Event & Publicity Form (CEaPF) Dec. 3: AV & Book Order Form (AVBOF) Feb. 11: Final Checklist Form (FCF) Best Practices: Review all the forms together – oftentimes you can ask for all the info from your presenters in one . Complete the forms as soon as you have the info – don’t wait till the last minute. Remember to follow naming guidelines (i.e. ACRL3_AVBOF) When a form is 100% final – no more changes to be made – rename it with the suffix _FINAL (i.e. ACRL3_AVBOF_FINAL)
Raise your hand or type your questions in chat.
Can you work with the Boldy Go theme? Use theto give a green check if yes or red X if no.
Let it influence you as you think of program topics Let it influence your program titles Share it with your divisions, committees, interest groups (can we share it on FB and Twitter?) Share it with your presenters Include it when you send out call for proposals
In the Chat, tell us what we should keep/repeat & what we should change based on 2014 Conference Feedback. Keep / Repeat Change
Program tracks were attempted late in the planning process last year. Do we want to attempt this for 2015? What are the Pros/Cons of assigning Program Tracks? Raise your hand to talk or use chat to share your thoughts
Raise your hand or type your questions in chat.
Next meeting – August MLA Office Use IdeaScale to share brochure design ideas and general ideas with group Send out calls for proposals and/or continue program planning process – remember to share your work on the wiki I’ll be writing CRAB article for Fall issue. If you have program teasers you’d like to share in that issue, please let me know!
Raise your hand or type your questions in chat.