Ed Mussler, P.E., Permitting Branch Supervisor Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Presentation prepared by :Pat Backus, P.E., Permitting Engineer
Definitions & Rules A solid waste is material that is either discarded or is being accumulated, stored or treated prior to being discarded, or has served its original intended use and is generally discarded. Construction and demolition (C&D) solid waste is solid waste that is generated solely from the construction, remodeling, repair, or demolition operations on pavement and buildings or structures. No person shall treat, process, store, or dispose of solid waste or arrange for the treatment, processing, storage or disposal of solid waste except at a solid waste facility permitted by the Division of Waste Management for such activity.
Solid Waste Perspective Post-consumer tear-off asphalt shingles are a construction and demolition solid waste. Facilities storing, processing, or disposing of solid waste need a solid waste permit before operation. “Recovered material” that would otherwise be managed as a solid waste is not subject to regulation as a solid waste if specific conditions are met.
Conditions for Recovered Materials NCGS 130A-290(a)(24) & NCGS 130A (c) Asphalt shingles have to be diverted or removed from the solid waste Not entering the environment or a threat to public health or safety A majority of the recovered asphalt shingles at a facility is sold, used, or reused within one year Not hazardous waste or mixed with hazardous waste May be required to demonstrate that above is met
Diversion by Source Separation
Sorted Shingles from SW Permitted Facility (Transfer Station, Landfill, Processor)
Mixed Load – Requires Processing
Indicators of Addressing Environment and Safety Have required environmental permits In compliance with environmental permits Using recommended guidelines by HHCU in grinding
Requirements for Use NCDOT NCDENR-DAQ Guidelines from HHCU Managing shingle material onsite Keeping records NCDENR – DWM is incorporating shingle source certification requirements in permitted facilities (transfer stations, landfills, processors) facility operation plans.
Solid Waste Permit Transfer StationLandfill Processor of Mixed Roofing Waste No Solid Permit Asphalt Plant Processor of Sorted Shingles
No Solid Waste Permit for Tear-off Asphalt Shingles Accept source-separated shingles from a roofer. Accept sorted shingles from a transfer station, landfill, or processor that is permitted for sorting. Accept ground shingles (PRAS). Cannot accept mixed roofing waste or other material that cannot be used to make asphalt pavement. Comply with other permits and requirements. Keep documentation. USE IT !!!
Considerations Find a Buyer Find the BUYERS needs for documentation EDUCATE your customers. DO NOT accepts mixed loads. Keep records of materials moving in and out in case audited. DO NOT GRIND without a commitment for purchase and a clear understanding of the specifications, testing and documentation required DAQ- NESHAP requirements for potential asbestos grinding.
For more information…… portal.ncdenr.org/web/w m/sw/shingles Or wastenotnc.org, choose Solid Waste Section, choose Asphalt Shingles Ed.mussler ncdenr.gov