Climate Science Research in Support of the Wind Power Industry Wind resource availability Seasonal prediction Impacts of climate change Environmental impacts Prepared for Visit to ISU by Florida Power and Light
In the Upper Midwest, Wind Resources are Influenced by: Seasonal pressure patterns Diurnal temperature stratification Buffalo Ridge Low-level jet El Niño/La Niña (?) Pacific Decadal Oscillation (?) North Atlantic Oscillation (?) Climate change (??)
“Given that a 1% error in wind speed estimates for a 100 MW wind generation facility can lead to losses approaching $12,000,000 over the lifetime of that plant, a better understanding of the physical and dynamic processes across the range of scales that create a particular wind climate is needed.” Draft recommendations, DOE Workshop on Research Needs for Wind Resource Characterization, Jan 2008, Broomfield, CO
Wind Speed (m/s) departures from monthly means from 70-m tall towers in Minnesota Klink, K., 2007: J. Appl. Meteor. Clim. 46, 446 Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Wind Speeds
Wind Speed (m/s) departures from monthly means from 70-m tall towers in Minnesota Klink, K., 2007: J. Appl. Meteor. Clim. 46, 446 Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Wind Speeds
Seasonal Climate Prediction Multi-RCM Ensemble Downscaling (MRED) of Multi-GCM Seasonal Forecasts* - Iowa State University - Experimental Climate Prediction Center (UC San Diego) - NOAA Climate Prediction Center - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory * NOAA funding
Trends in Wind Speeds, * * Pryor,Barthelmie, Takle, Anderson, EGU Annual Meeting, Vienna Observations do not agree with reanalysis
North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) An international, multi-agency program to produce multiple realizations of future scenario climates at regional scales by use of global climate models (GCMs) and regional climate models (RCMs)
NARCCAP Plan A2 Emissions Scenario GFDLCCSM HADAM3 link to EU programs CGCM current future Provide boundary conditions MM5 Iowa State/ PNNL RegCM3 UC Santa Cruz ICTP CRCM Quebec, Ouranos HADRM3 Hadley Centre RSM Scripps WRF NCAR/ PNNL Reanalyzed climate,
Eugene S. Takle Professor of Atmospheric Science Professor of Agricultural Meteorology Professor of Aerospace Engineering (courtesy appointment) Director, ISU Climate Science Initiative Contact information: