1. Implications and consequences of the study Working group 1 Belgium (Flem. C.), Sweden, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Switzerland, Austria
A) The feminization process A follow-up study to modulate the data, e.g. on different educational levels A follow-up study to modulate the data, e.g. on different educational levels Call in experts in gender studies Call in experts in gender studies Consequences for curricula? (mostly men write them?) Consequences for curricula? (mostly men write them?) - How to develop the new curricula taking into account the feminization process (e.g. ”role models”)?
B) Employment difficulties Set up a follow-up study to modulate the data, e.g. on different educational levels Set up a follow-up study to modulate the data, e.g. on different educational levels Broaden the employment possibilities, e.g. by developing students communications skills and their ability to develop projects Broaden the employment possibilities, e.g. by developing students communications skills and their ability to develop projects Consider the results of (new) combinations of subjects, e.g. history and languages; history and geography Consider the results of (new) combinations of subjects, e.g. history and languages; history and geography Set up comparative studies to make use of experiences from Asia and the US Set up comparative studies to make use of experiences from Asia and the US
C) Differences between countries as a starting point for in-depth studies and/or changes Implications for history teacher training of ’history not being taught as a separate subject Implications for history teacher training of ’history not being taught as a separate subject Implications of the differences in the training of the teacher trainers Implications of the differences in the training of the teacher trainers ICT in teacher training: much variation ICT in teacher training: much variation
D) A common national and/or European framework? Which aspects? Which aspects? - Length of study? - Content of ITT curriculum? Importance of key competences