CITE-BASE COMMITTEE Aja Burton Clarissa Crayton Jessica Walters Dianne Edwards Angela Speaker Lynda Hatton Waymon Debose Raymond Rax Anniece Green Tony McMillian Ocie Williams Donald Hatton Lela Young Liliana Lazo Veronica Trevino Mr. Ed Dixon Tasha Young Venora Goodie
M EETING OBJECTIVE Determine Areas of Priority using the Comprehensive Needs Assessment-CNA
P LEASE CONSIDER If you think it is a priority, ask yourself why? What data supports? What would be a consequence and/or benefit if not met?
S TUDENT A CHIEVEMENT Needs: Need additional materials to enhance student mastery of material. Provide professional development opportunities to assist staff in implementing the most effective strategies in work with students in the following areas: ELL and students identified with learning challenges, regardless of severity. Monthly staff meeting to discuss student performance and data. Implement STAAR Camp to teach testing strategies to improve passing rates STAAR Reading data indicate a need to increase the average raw score in Reporting Categories 1 and 2 Increase the percentage of 4 th and 7 th grade students receiving a 3 or 4 on STAAR Writing STAAR Math data indicate a need to increase the average raw score in Reporting Categories 1, 3 and 4
I NSTRUCTION, C URRICULUM AND A SSESSMENT Needs: Student mastery of Compass activities need to be reviewed during weekly teacher-student conferences Use Odyssey instructional videos to enhance classroom or small group instruction Professional development and additional instructional support to increase teacher login time and utilization of data management in Odyssey Require students to take notes to prepare for scored Odyssey activities Improve team meetings to better engage teachers to assess data, develop strategies, improve instruction, intervention strategies, and evaluate curriculum. Early acquisition of materials and resources. Strictly monitor alignment of campus instructional calendar to TEKS and district goals
Needs: Increase the amount of families that participate in PTO Increase the number of parent volunteers Provide translators at parent meetings for Spanish speaking parents Provide parent training covering important parenting issues Have more academic parent nights Send notices home in both Spanish and English Increase parent attendance at Title I meetings Increase opportunities by the teachers for parent involvement Increased opportunities for participation in small group discussion hour F AMILY AND C OMMUNITY I NVOLVEMENT
S TAFF Q UALITY AND P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT : Needs Provide more on-site staff development opportunities based on campus needs Provide more input into decision making involving curriculum and staff development opportunities Increase partnership with area professional development Increase the number of teachers in becoming ESL certified
S TAFF Q UALITY AND P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT Needs Provide more on-site staff development opportunities based on campus needs Provide more input into decision making involving curriculum and staff development opportunities Increase partnership with area professional development Increase the number of teachers in becoming ESL certified
S CHOOL C ULTURE AND C LIMATE Needs Gather information via survey on Employee Perception of Cultural and Climate Re-survey parents to get a broader response
S CHOOL O RGANIZATION Needs Increase training on generating and interpreting MAP and Odyssey reports Create an intervention team to assess, identify, and monitor special populations
D EMOGRAPHICS Needs: Hire a certified ESL teacher Target at-risk students for more intervention support Define 504 student focus and process reporting Increase student enrollment Hire 2 additional instructional aids
TECHNOLOGY Needs Additional resources to keep technology modern and up-to-date More comprehensive training Student access to on-line research resources Web-based Reading Connection reWeb web based training that can be accessed from home or school.(Webinars) re web based training that can be accessed from home or school.(Webinars)