Welcome To Bioenable
company logo link to smartsuite website
enter your username and id to get your password back.
Individual login window with separate username and password for every employee. With company logo
Admin Area
admin can assign permissions to single user.
you can add new group
add permissions
give permission to all
inline edit facility
to exit from admin area
important messages employees celebrating birthdays this month videos for training purpose
Dashboard for each employee providing information birthdays in month, messages, employees on leave, leave and arrival details etc.
Company menu cater to detail information of company and structure. Information need to fill for access and setup of system you can add new records
Provide hierarchy in company with complete list of superiors and subordinate with contact details and Department.
Keep record of company policies for all employees for reference
List of Divisions with details like area, area head etc.
List of departments with department head
Details of job positions with job role for each position
Number of Shifts available in company with details
you can see next shift
Detail Employee record management having more than 200 field
Complete List of employees with details filters for departments
Employee details related with current job needs to fill in this section which is require for reports and access. Please refer next slid for continuation
Employee privldege details with personal details
Employee personal details needs to fill in this section which is require for reports and access. Please refer next slid for continuation
Employee administration details needs to fill in this section which is require for accounts. Please refer next slid for continuation
Employee should attach his personal / official documents in this section which is possible to refer at any time by both employee and superior
Employee details with leave record department wise
see list in Microsoft Excel
List of employee applied for Brakes (hourly leave which will compensate by them) with details
search according to emplyee number
Here employee have to apply for break with when they are compensating break. is send to employee and superior for same
List of employees applied for leave with status and details
Here employee have to apply for leave with detail information is send to employee and superior for same
To approve or reject leave of employee inline editing is possible
Superiors put feedback whether leave is approve / reject. is send to employee and superior for same
This section is basically for employee to track on his attendance. Remove his exception and manual punching etc.
Graphical representation for easy understanding
Graphical representation for in and out of employee
Detail Time and attendance report section. Each section Is having detail submenu.
Daily reports possible to take with options like early, late by either arrival or departure format
Easy analysis of report by symbolic representation
List of reports available for current month
Muster report for easy understanding with number of days present and absent
Late arrival of employee with time and date
List of reports available for previous month
Early departure of employee with time and date export facility available
Overstay of employee with time and date
Report showing employee absent with date
Report showing time loss by each employee on each day
List of summery reports
Department wise summery report
List of performance reports
Monthly performance employee wise showing all details
Employee analysis by chart for easy understanding
List of muster reports
Department muster report showing head of department
Employee report with details
List of Holiday
List of leave reports
Employee leave details
Employee leave sanction report
Employee report for complete year
Employee wise yearly report
Details for Branch office
editing is possible
you can add inline lists
add new element