1. Apparent Context: It is apparent to me that you lack the skills to succeed in this class because you lack organization, preparedness, and intelligence. What does it mean What gives it away? Definition: visible
2. Sullen Context: The student was very sullen after he got his test paper back with a failing grade on it because he had studied for it for three days. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: grumpy; resentful
3. Impulse Context: I had an impulse the other day to do a cartwheel in the middle of the hallway, but luckily I resisted that urge. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: urge
4. Retrieved Context: I retrieved my coat from my friend’s closet myself because I knew she would never return it to me on her own. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: got back
5. Emerged Context: The ground hog emerged from its hole only to fall back in immediately because he’s afraid of his own shadow. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: came out
6. Misled Context: The student misled the teacher by telling him that she left her homework on the bus when the student’s unfinished worksheet was hidden in her folder. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: fooled; led to believe something wrong
7. Tangible Context: Love is not a tangible object that we can see and touch. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: capable of being seen or felt
8. Refute Context: The student refuted cheating on his test by providing a video from the testing session. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: prove wrong using evidence
9. Invariably Context: Amy invariably always forgets to do her homework because she never writes down any of her assignments. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: always
10. Regression Context: Many adults go into a regression when they hit their 40s because they want to be young, free teenagers again. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: return to an earlier state or less advanced condition
11. Verified Context: The teacher verified the answers to the test by checking some online sources. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: confirmed
12. Obscure Context: The trees obscured my hiding spot which helped me to win the game. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: hide
13. Deterioration Context: The deterioration of the building led to it being demolished. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: worsen; declining
14. Hypothesis Context: The scientist’s hypothesis took years to prove. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: theory to be proved
15. Introspective Context: The introspective girl kept a journal to analyze her thoughts and feelings. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: looking inward to one’s own thoughts and feelings
16. Congenial Context: Santa Clause is a very congenial person that all children love. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: pleasant, agreeable
17. Facades Context: The facades of the buildings helped us to tell one store from the other. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: fronts of buildings
18. Rapacious Context: The rapacious child grabbed as much candy from the piñata as he could so that he had more candy than any of the other kids. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: greedy
19. Dithering Context: The dithering old man was so confused that he needed constant help. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: acting nervous and confused
20. Tantalizing Context: The tantalizing smell of the turkey cooking in the oven made my mouth water. What does it mean? What gives it away? Definition: teasing by remaining unavailable or by withholding something desired by someone; tempting