A Sense of History How Did We get Here?
Creating the “Big Understandings.” OVERARCHING LEARNING EXPECTATIONS- Dr.’s Price, J. Long and Fix: explore, reflect upon, and discuss with reason and examples various possible purposes, methodologies, and outcomes of education and schooling; evaluate various approaches to public education, teaching, learning and curriculum; critically analyze the problems and dilemmas that arise for educators who take issues like diversity, democracy and social justice seriously; examine the role of the classroom and the school as a social, cultural, political and economic subsystem; explore some international, national, and provincial legislation and regulations that impact upon the teacher; demonstrate a reflective and critical perspective* (not dismissive or demeaning), providing reasons, examples, and evidentiary support for their views on educational issues.
Critical Perspective Although there are many interpretations of ‘critical perspective,’ We take “critical perspective’ to mean: An identification and examination of the assumptions, values, and beliefs (both explicit and hidden) informing our practice and policies in education; A perspective that recognises and examines all educational policies and practices as being inherently political, contextual and never neutral, and hence the need to make explicit the possible politics and consequences of all educational policies and practices; A perspective that acknowledges the importance of generously and openly considering and reflecting on the views, experiences and beliefs of others, A perspective that is prepared to provide reasons and examples in support of arguments, beliefs, and ideas.
SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, HISTORIC AND CULTURAL REALITIES OF SCHOOLING AND EDUCATION Throughout this unit teacher candidates will have the opportunity to explore what social, economic, historic, and cultural factors and forces impact on teaching and learning. Teacher candidates will later explore the impact of the post-modern matrix of diversity, identity and inclusion on the classroom and school. Historical Perspective –The Ongoing Issues 1945 to the present – source - your readings