SelectStar Dblab 석사 1 학기 김지현
목 차 1. 1.SelectStar Company 의 소개 2.SelectStar Services 3. IBuilder 3.1 Ibuilder Architecture 3.2 IBuilder benefits
1.SelectStar Company 의 소개 년에 창설 -SelectStar is privately held -Headquarters in New York City. -A pioneer in the field of Internet bill analysis, delivering the solution into telecom market since products : ibuilder -services : iBuilder Implementation Consulting Internet Bill Analysis for Telecom Service -Setup Charges : $25000 Monthly Charges : 사용자수과 call detailing record 수로 결정
2.SelectStar Services -iBuilder Implementation Consulting -> ibuilder applications 의 design 과 development 를 빠르게 -Internet Bill Analysis for Telecom Service ->Telecom Providers offer their business customers the ability to access and analyze bill data ->Integrate a wide variety of billing data file formats and support a host of wireless, wireline and internet services.
3. IBuilder -SelectStar's Internet Application Server -> building and deploying Web-based data access and analysis applications. (R-DB 기반 ) 3.1 Ibuilder Architecture - divides application development into two parts : analysis and applications
-Analysis Engine -> intelligent result set caching -> multi-dimensional analysis -> data formatting. -Analysis Framework -> information about the database structure -Application Engine ->HTML page generation -> graph and table generation ->other applications or web pages, manages application (or page-level) security, and parses HTML code libraries 을 통합 -Application Framework ->an application's data sources, actions, and any external application interfaces
-Application Templates -> Contain standard HTML code 3.2 IBuilder benefits -Rapid Web Application Development -> extensin HTML 사용 -> 60 일내에 data access and analysis application 제공 -Superior Presentation Objects ->Reports, crosstabs and graphs -Dynamic User Input Elements ->the standard HTML controls
-Open, Flexible Integration -> connect to a wide range of data sources -> an open, data sharing interface layer for external applications -Robust User Session Management -Production-Grade Deployment ->to manage large numbers of users and process large volumes of data to ensure peak application performance.