Unit 6, Week 1 The Gold Rush Game O’Neal Elementary eMINTS4ALL Classroom
Vocabulary annoyed- bothered or disturbed by prospectors- people who search for gold or other materials circular- in the shape of a circle outstretched- extended outward reference- a mention or source of information disappointment- a feeling of sadness because the outcome of a situation is not what was expected glinted- sparkled Practice: Vocabulary Game Quia Matching Quia Cloze
Vocabulary: Words in Context reference prospectors circular glinted annoyed disappointment outstretched He thought he could find gold faster if he worked with a group of_____________. In his _________hand, the miner had a nugget of gold. We hid our _________when we learned he had found worthless rocks. The ________was annoyed by the end of the day since all he had found was fool’s gold. He used a __________pan to dip into the stream. The nuggets of gold _________in the sunlight. I found a _________to the Gold Rush in a book about California.
Vocabulary: Story Words queues- long braids that hand down the back earthquake- a movement in the earth’s crust that causes strong shaking ivory- the substance that makes up the tusks of some animals internet- a network that links computers all over the world analyze- to examine something in great detail in order to understand it better story structure- the way an author organizes the events of the plot dialogue- the words spoken by characters in a book, movie, or play, or a section of a work that contains spoken words actions- the things a character does motives- the reasons a character does something
Vocabulary: Suffixes A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to form a new word. It has its own meaning, which modifies the meaning of the word it is added to. Adding a suffix can also change a word's part of speech. The same suffix can be added to many different words.
Suffixes base word er or prospect ranch govern narrate collect report photograph conduct
Fluency: Intonation/Pausing Good readers learn to read groups of words together in phrases. Good readers also vary their tone, pitch, and intonation to express the characters’ feelings shown by the words in quotations.
Fluency: Intonation/Pausing Suddenly Eric and Matt found themselves standing in a narrow space between two large, tall rocks by the muddy road in the mountains, with trees towering over their heads. Miners and prospectors walked and rode past. Eric’s heart beat faster with excitement, but he was also a little scared. “What happened?” Mat asked. “This is creepy. Where are we?” Eric smelled the scent of pine trees and kicked at the mud. “I think we're really in the Gold Rush. We went back in time!”
Phonics: Decode words with final /ən/ Words that end with a vowel plus an n and have an unaccented last syllable are pronounced alike. They all sound like the en in open. It does not matter which vowel comes before the n; the sound can be spelled en, in or on. eleven cousin widen common mistaken oxygen raisin cotton ripen
Comprehension: Cause and Effect Cause and effect relationships provide structure for a story. Each event or action often leads directly to another event or action. Quiz Using signal words Cause and Effect Relationships Cause and Effect Article and Graphic Organizer Cause and Effect Matching Activity Cause and Effect Lesson and Quiz
Comprehension: Analyze Story Structure Story structure is the way an author organizes the events of the plot. He or she does this by using story elements, such as character and setting. Understanding how the events of a story are organized can help readers better understand and remember what they are reading.
Comprehension: Character Traits Character traits are the features of a character that make up his or her personality. A character’s actions are the things he or she does. A character’s motives are the reasons he or she does something. A character’s actions and motives can have an important effect on a story’s plot.
Comprehension: Text Feature....Timelines A time line is a record of historical events in the order in which they occurred. A time line highlights key events that happened during a certain time period. It may be illustrated and presented horizontally or vertically. It may cover a short or long period of time.
Comprehension: Timelines California Gold Rush Timeline Timeline of the Alaskan Gold Rush The Gold Rush Timeline Read-Write-Think ...Interactive Timeline Teachnology Interactive Timeline Timeline Generator
Reflection: Day 1 What happened on page 665 when Larry repeated the process several times? Use details from the story in your answer. Read the sentence from the story. (p. 665) Whatever it was, it glinted in the sunlight. What clue from the story helped you figure out the meaning of the word glinted? Meaning: ______________________________ Clue: _________________________________
Reflection: Day 2 On page 668, Eric’s parents want him to learn more about their family history. What does this cause them to do? On page 669, find the sentence that contains the word annoyed. What are some antonyms for annoyed?
Reflection: Day 3 How does the author show that Eric and Matt must think about what caused them to travel back in time?
Reflection: Day 4 Think about what Eric’s parents say and do when he tells them that he met Wong Daido. Why do you think they react that way? Complete the following to help you identify the causes and their effects. When Eric first tells his parents that he met Wong Daido, they _____________. When Eric _______, his dad looks up the information on the Internet. When Eric ___________, Eric’s parents look shocked.
Reflection: Day 5 Using the time line on page 683, answer the following: How many years are shown on the time line? How important is it for these events to appear in a sequence? Explain your answer. Use your Missouri History Book for a resource. Create a time line for any period in Missouri’s history.