سيستم هاي فازي ( مقدمه ) Fuzzy Systems Vali Derhami Yazd University, Computer Engineering Department
Author: Vali Derhami 2/7 Soft Computing and Conventional AI
Author: Vali Derhami A historical sketch of soft computing 3/7
Author: Vali Derhami Soft computing characteristics 4/7
Author: Vali Derhami Soft computing characteristics 5/7
Author: Vali Derhami Vagueness and fuzzy Vagueness (Russel 1923) Einstein (1937) “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality” Fuzzy logic invention: Lotfi Zadeh (1965), although the ideas can be traced back to earlier works (1962…) Zadeh (1968), fuzzy algorithms Zadeh (1970), fuzzy decision making Zadeh (1973), Principle of incompatibility. Zadeh (1973), fuzzy control 6/7
Author: Vali Derhami Fuzzy History Fuzzy follow up: Mamdani, first practical demonstration (1974 ) Applying Fuzzy Logic for controller of steam engine First fuzzy controller, Holmblad First commercial applications in Establishing of International Fuzzy System Association (IFSA). (1984) In 1994, Japan exported products worth $35 billion that use fuzzy logic ! 7/7