Winston Churchill once said that the potential of the state is determined by the number of new ideas in the minds of its citizens. In opinion of russian inventor N. Latypov, Comprehensible and solid picture of the world is created after reading (in order) four books: F. Engels "Anti-Diuring“; S. Lem "Summa Technologiae“; R. Dawkins “The Blind Watchmaker”; D. Deutsch “The Fabric of Reality”. Everyone is constantly confronted with the problems of real life: at work and at home. It is therefore important not only to have knowledge of specialization, but also learn the general laws - "picture of the world." PREFACE
There is a parable about the people who worked on the building of the school. Some of them was asked, "What are you doing?". And got the following answers: - I push the wheelbarrow. - I earn my bread. - I have to atone for sins. - I build the future!
1. Ability to courageously select a worthy aim (even if it is considered completely unrealistic) and make it the main vector of life. 2. Ability to see the problem, the solution of which is necessary and sufficient to achieve worthy aims. 3. Ability to solve creative problems. A result of solving of such a problem there is an idea. 4. Diligence and operability in the way of moving toward the aim (realization of ideas). 5. Systems thinking. 6. Ability to "keep punch", do not succumb to the pressure of "crowd", is not distracted by the unworthy purpose. The qualities of creative person:
A worthy aim. What it is? The main criteria for a worthy aim: 1.Newness. The aim must be a new. It may be old, but then the means of achieving it must be new. 2.Public usefulness. The aim is to be good, focused on the development of life. 3.Concreteness. Not the general good intentions, but a clear set of tasks. to the solution of which you can proceed today. 4.Significance. A worthy aim should be great, because achievement of it is paid by great difficulty, and sometimes by own life. 5.Hereticality. A worthy aim ahead of his time, so it is often perceived as a heresy, as something incredible, impossible. 6.Practicality. Movement toward the aim all the time should give partial concrete results. Even most unachievable aim can bring real benefits. 7.Independence. Large group is necessary, if aim already partly achieved, and no longer a heresy. But at first a single or a small group does work, what does not require large investments.
Such road leads to nowhere. How go to the aim?
But big group - is a "carrier" of large inertia. The greater the speed and pressure, the stronger the resistance.
The best way to achieve the aim - to inspire others with you. For this a aim must be noble, useful to society.
Invention - what is it? 97% of inventions are improving of known, 1.5% - a principally new, 0.9% - do not have analogues. In most countries, the invention is considered to be new, involve an inventive level and is industrially applicable solution. In 1958 R.B. Shapiro and G.S. Altshuller was proposed a new concept of the invention as elimination of technical contradictions. In 1980 V.P. Rassohin, and in 1987 V.N. Dementev offered to understand by the invention a new principle of the problem solving. Only such novelties are a inventions of high level. INNOVATION - [Lat. innovation - update]: 1. introduction of the new; what newly introduced; modernization; reform; 2. investment to the invention, new technology, new forms of organization and management or others.
Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ - the Russian acronym ) TRIZ was developed by Soviet inventor Genrich Altshuller. The first work on TRIZ was published in 1956 The main essence of TRIZ - finding and using laws of development of a technical systems, establishment of algorithms for inventive problem solving. The ideas and principles of TRIZ was widely introduced in the Soviet Union and were popular among engineers. In 1989 was established All-Union Association of TRIZ. At the same time was created the first intelligent software for personal computers "Invention Machine" was established In 1998 was established International Association of TRIZ.
There are different approaches to help the inventor: Trials and errors method; Brainstorm; Morphological analysis; Functionally-value analysis; and others. They are based on the analysis of information, psychology, logic, et al., but are not a scientific theory, in contrast of TRIZ.
SC – search conception; PIV — Psychological inertia vector Search by “Trials and errors” method:
"What do the world need so many people, involved in creativity, for? And who will fulfill roughing and uncreative work? People,talanted from birth, are enough. "- Skeptics say. Once upon a time there were people, retorted against literacy teaching: it was believed that being literate - the inheritance of the chosen... TRIZ - the ABC of talented thinking. Each person must be literate in creativity. About place of inventions in the society (G. Altshuller): "You claim - say skeptics - that can be taught to invent everybody? But this can not be! But innate abilities? A genius: they are - from the birth of genius, is not it?" This position is caused by simple reason of: а) Since ancient times everything has changed except the technology of solution of creative problems. To method of trials and errors so accustomed that creativity itself became identified as a solving of problem by means of considering variants; б) TRIZ denies monopoly on creation, which allegedly provided by innate abilities. But such monopolies and privileges (ancestral, material, racial, etc.) kept strongly, defending them by every means, including by force.
The view that creative people are exceptional by nature - a myth. People have equal right to happiness, and this right include, first of all, the possibility to create. Realization of this right - through the development of creativity. What returns from TRIZ training? 1)Increasing of interest in life, the flourishing of creative activity. 2)Economic efficiency. Experience shows that when teaching a group of 30 people on the program of 150 hours can be guaranteed (at least): Immediately after training - 20 technical decisions at the level of the alleged inventions; A year after training - 15 applications for inventions; After two years - 30 applications, 5 patents, 1 invention implementation; After three years - 40 applications, 12 patents, 3 invention implementations.
Functions of TRIZ: 1.Decision of creative and inventive problems of any complexity and direction without a large amount of trials and errors. 2.Decision of scientific and research problems. 3.Identification and elimination of problems with the technical systems, reasons for defects and emergencies. 4.The most efficient use of natural resources and techniques for the solution of many problems. 5.Prediction of systems development and the obtaining of perspective solutions (including fundamentally new). 6.Systematization of knowledge, allowing their to effectively utilize and develop a science on a fundamentally new basis. 7.Development of creative imagination and thinking. 8.Development of creative personality. 9.Development of creative teams.
Information resources includes: 1.system of standards for inventive problem solving (typical solutions based on substance-field models); 2.technological effects (physical, chemical, biological, mathematical, in particular, the most developed of them now - geometric) and tables for their use; 3.methods to eliminate contradictions and tables for their application; 4.resources of nature and technology and methods of their use. G. Altshuller in the period from 1946 to 1971 considered more than 40,000 patents, identified 40 standard techniques that are used by inventors. In combination with the Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ), it became the core of TRIZ. Afterwards TRIZ knowledge base is continually added with new techniques, physical effects and other resources.
Questions about your creative development strategy: 1. What is your purpose in life? What are its advantages? 2. What purpose (related to your specialty), which today is considered heretical, but after years, in your opinion, would be scientifically recognized. Why do not you develop this aim? PEOPLE CAN EVERYTHING! BUT! It is necessary to fulfill the four conditions. Only four! 1.Strongly want. 2.Describe the ideal result and imagine that you have already achieved this. 3.Create a plan to achieve the goal. 4.Act immediately! GO!
Sites on TRIZ: - Institute of Innovative Design - The Inventor Devlopment Co. - creative world - noncommercial organization TRIZ-profy - laboratory «Education for a New Era»