Team Vicious Adam Pender 1 st Hour College Comp - Matzka
Oratorio A piece of religious classical music A musical composition for voices and instruments that has a religious theme, often telling a sacred story. Does not use costumes, scenery, or dramatic staging Handel’s Messiah is an example of this genre
Profligate Wasteful Extremely extravagant or wasteful With low morals Having or showing extremely low moral standards Wasteful, or with low morals
Requiem Commemorative Music A piece of music written to commemorate somebody who died Side Note: A Requiem is also a Roman Catholic Mass held to offer prayers for somebody who has died
Ribald Coarse and Funny Humorous, but rude and vulgar Often involving jokes about sex
Sibilance Producing a hissing sound Ex: The sibilant sound of air escaping from a tire
Sinuosity Sinuousness The condition of being winding or curving in a shape or movement
Pedagogue Teacher A schoolteacher or educator Pedantic teacher A teacher who teaches in a particularly pedantic or dogmatic manner
Mien Somebody’s general air Somebody’s facial expression or general: a)Appearance b)Bearing c)Posture Taken as an indication of his or her mood or character
Naphtha Distillation Product A clear, colorless mixture of light hydrocarbons Use: Raw material for many petrochemicals and plastics
Mete (Mete out) - Give something out To give out something such as punishment or justice Especially in a way that seems harsh or unfair
Lurid Horrifying or shocking Sensational and shocking With graphic details of: a)Horror b)Devastation c)Violence
Lave (lavatory) Washroom A room or building with washing and toilet facilities Toilet A toilet, or a small room containing a toilet
Interim Having a temporary effect Serving as a temporary measure until something more complete and permanent can be established
Fez Flat-topped conical hat A brimless felt hat shaped like a cone with a flat top Usually red with a black tassel Worn by men in eastern Mediterranean and North African countries In the past, it was the national headdress of Turkish men
Explicit Clear and obvious Expressing all details in a clear and obvious way Leaving no doubt as to the intended meaning
List of Words 1)Oratorio 2)Profligate 3)Requiem 4)Ribald 5)Sibilance 6)Sinuosity 7)Pedagogue 8)Mien 9)Naphtha 10)Mete 11)Lurid 12)Lave 13)Interim 14)Fez 15)Explicit Definition's are from “The Encarta Dictionary: English (North America)”