Welcome Thank you for attending
At Maghull High School, we want to secure the best outcomes for every student when they leave We want our students to enjoy learning and be interested in what they study We want them to have a broad and balanced curriculum We want our students to have good progression routes to whichever career they wish to follow
For students in Year 8 last year, we introduced an element of choice moving into Year 9 It was a huge success, with students settling into their courses well and making good progress Staff feedback indicates that students have been very focussed and motivated in their learning
This evening is an opportunity to revisit the choices made last year It is essential to review progress made and ensure that your child is on the most appropriate pathway for them It is an opportunity to ask any questions or clarify any concerns you may have as they prepare to move into Year 10
As your child is in the upper half of the year group in terms of their ability, it is even more essential that they have an appropriate mix of subjects to ensure that access to universities further down the line is not hindered The Government recommends that students of this ability should have qualifications at GCSE in a Modern Foreign Language and a Humanities subject, such as History or Geography. As well as this, we would encourage these students to take Separate Science. NB They will need to opt for Spanish next year and leave one of their four existing subjects behind
When we have concluded all of our Year 9 meetings, we will need some time to analyse the feedback from students and parents We will then contact you again to confirm your child’s courses of study for the next two years Please be aware that we cannot guarantee anything at this stage, as the outcomes will be dependent upon timetabling and groups available
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask any member of staff present this evening Alternatively, you can e mail Mrs Bennett at at any time Thank you