Grade 8 Course Selection For Freshmen Year It starts Monday! March 30- April 10
Overview of today English, Math, Science, History, & Language teachers have recommended a course level for you at SHS next year. These recommendations can be viewed online in ASPEN beginning Monday, March 30. You will log on to choose electives for your freshmen year.
Grade 8 transition to SHS Tuesday, March 31 Meeting for all parents of incoming freshmen Students are welcome but not required to attend 5:30 PM- tours 6:00 PM program
All requests will be handled in Aspen. Log in! Link on High School Website & SMS website
I forgot my User Name/Password! See Ms. Paine Please be sure to include your name and your year of graduation in your
How to enter requests Click on My Info top tab, Then side tab, requests
All your recommended courses appear as requests! You can NOT change recommended course level unless you go through the override process. All required non core courses have been added to your requests (PE, Computer Apps, Health, Writing Across the Curriculum) If you think you might want to override it is important to attend the March 31 presentation at SHS.
Program Of Studies (Handout) This is a list that describes the courses you are recommended for and the electives open to freshmen. You will choose 1 elective and 1 alternate such as band, chorus, art, marketing, mandarin, or a science elective. All other courses are pre-scheduled for you such as health, physical education, computer applications, and writing.
Select your electives Click on the select box next to the area you would like to view. First choose entry mode
Select Electives Under primary requests click the button next to electives labeled Select
Choose an elective class! From the list place a check mark next to the class you want to request. Choose an alternate course in case you don’t get in to your first choice
POST when done You may type a note to your future counselor But you must POST when you finish or it will not save!
Deadline to choose electives Online course entry for students will close April 10 th. If you do not choose an elective, you will be placed in one that you will not be able to change, so please do it. All counselors at SHS will review the schedules and call SMS if there are any discrepancies.
Foreign Language If you are not yet taking a language, you will start at SHS. You will not see a teacher recommendation for this if you are not in a language. You have three options- Spanish, French, or Mandarin. All students must take a minimum of two years in the same subject for graduation. Please choose your language with your parents and communicate your choice to Mr. Calichman.
Other Information Be sure to review the Program of Studies we handed out to get course descriptions Between April 1- April 30 you can review your placement. Speak to your grade 8 teacher first if you have questions about your placement. They know what SHS courses expect and are recommending you based on what they have seen in their classes. The override process is in the letter we handed out with the program of studies.
Questions Aspen user information: – –General SHS questions: Questions about level placement? –speak to grade 8 teacher first, then follow process in letter. Trouble with requests? –Visit Ms. Paine