Health Risk Assessment (HRA): Workshop Guide
2 What is an HRA? An HRA identifies and ranks the hazards in your community according to the following equation:
3 What questions does an HRA answer? How likely is it that this hazard will turn into an event? What impact would this event have on the public’s health? What measures do we have in place to mitigate this risk?
Grant Statement of Work for local health departments Requirement for partnership and collaboration Funding Documents risk for funding requests and justifications Future grant alignment and partnership requirements Identifies gaps in funding needs for preparedness initiatives Planning Health Risk Assessment (HRA) linked to public health preparedness capabilities Coordinates and improves county planning 4 Why are we doing an HRA?
HVAHRA Planning Exercises Mitigation 5 How does the HRA relate to an HVA?
6 How does this benefit my county? Strategic planning Prioritization of resources Inventory of strengths Documentation for funding requests and justifications Rethinking preparedness How do we define mitigation? How do we define preparedness? Partnership building Engaging partners outside of preparedness and public health Aligning with other assessments to enhance efficiency
A county health preparedness profile GIS resources Fulfill a grant requirement for community participation/partnership Identify areas for improvement in agency plans Identify strengths in agency plans Document baseline preparedness to assess progress Learn about the preparedness perspectives of different agencies 7 What will I get from this process?
8 What is your role in this process? RepresentContributeCommit
9 Questions?
Housekeeping 10
Sign-in Non-disclosure agreement – Please complete now Evaluation will be sent out via SurveyMonkey – Please include your address on the sign-in sheet 11 Paperwork
Part I: Hazard Prioritization Tool 12
Review list of hazards and definitions ( 10 minutes ) Hazard = initial source of danger (hurricane vs. flood – separate hazards) 13 Step 1: Identify additional hazards
What additional hazards did you identify (if any)? How would you define these hazards? Voting/consensus – Does this hazard fit the definition of a hazard? (Y/N) – A new hazard must have a majority vote to be included in list 14 Step 2: Discussion and Consensus
Add any additional hazards to Worksheet 1 Rank hazards using the instructions and definitions provided Complete this form individually Turn in completed worksheet to facilitator 15 Step 3: Rank hazards (30 minutes)
Part II: Impact Planning Tool 17
Using the top hazard identified by the group in Part I, each agency should fill- out a separate, sector-specific worksheet If more than one representative from your agency is present, please return a single worksheet for your agency to the facilitator Public health and “other” agencies will fill-out a single impact worksheet as a group 18 Step 1: Fill-out impact worksheet
The 0-4 rating scale is specific to each indicator; however, 0-4 generally means the following: 0 = None: Added impact of disaster is negligible 1 = Minimal: Adequately handled by agency using existing resources 2 = Moderate: Stretches capacity of existing resources; draws upon mutual aid/Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) within the county 3 = Severe: Needs far exceed capacity of local authority and must call on surrounding counties for aid 4 = Catastrophic: Available resources are overwhelmed, requiring state or federal assistance 19 General indicator scale
Part III: Mitigation Planning Tool 20
As a group ( all workshop participants ), fill-out the community mitigation worksheet 21 Step 1: Community mitigation
For your agency, fill-out the mitigation worksheet If there is more than one representative from your agency, please return a single completed worksheet to the form checker/facilitator 22 Step 2: Agency mitigation
Part V: Next Steps 23
Toolkit Development and Testing Toolkit Training and Implementation State-level Analysis and Report Toolkit revision 24 HRA Project Timeline Key Dates: LHD Workshops/AssessmentsLate May-June 2012 Results due via SurveyMonkeyJune 29 th State analysisJuly 2012 Analysis due to CDC8/8/2012 Final report to partnersSeptember/October 2012 Regional report backFall 2012 Strategic planningFall 2012/Spring 2013
Blank forms Non-disclosure agreements Worksheet 1: Hazard Prioritization Worksheet 2: Impact Worksheet 3: Mitigation 25 Please return the following:
26 Thank you!