A summary about yourself that would be of interest to a prospective employer.
Jacqueline Elizabeth Chang Address Telephone Number Address ObjectiveEarn an elementary education degree Education Holicong Middle School, Central Bucks School District 2006-Present Earned Distinguished, High Honors or Honor Roll for all quarters Related Experience Teacher Assistant Our Lady of Guadeloupe Church Assist with materials Helped students Helped with classroom management Co-Leader-Team Member 2008 Relay for Life Management of paperwork and team members Communicated responsibilities to team member Participate in Relay for Life activities Pet Sitter 2003 – Present Mill Family Pets Feed the pets (turtle, dog, cat, & hamster) Walked the dog Played with the animals Child Care 2005 Various Families Prepare meals Care for children Provide entertainment Extra Curricular Activities Gymnastic Classes – 8 th – 9 th grade Voice Lessons – 7 th grade Track – 7 th grade InterestMusic and Movies ReferencesReferences are available on request Your Resume Contact Information Experience Objective Education Honors & Activities
The first meeting between you and the employer Tells a great deal about you Get you to the interview Calling card, so remember that “First impressions are lasting ones.”
10 seconds is all the time an employer is going to give your resume in deciding to keep it or pass on it!
No typographical or grammatical errors Do not lie or exaggerate Focus on strengths and accomplishments Use 8 ½ by 11 inch white bond paper Neat in black legible font Written in past tense
The page should look balanced No ugly resume – format must be pleasing to the eye Use NO abbreviations – spell out states, universities, organizations, etc. Be sure it fits all on one page Edit out unnecessary words – Outline format Be sure your resume represents you in the best light possible
Identification information Job objective Education Achievements Work experience – duties or responsibilities Related or volunteer experience Extra curricular activities (memberships/affiliations) Skills (computer/languages) Interests
Create a resume by Gathering personal job information Resume Worksheet Formatting this information Resume formatting sheet Check your resume with rubric Resume rubric and Sample resume
Leadership Multi-Tasking Communication Negotiating Problem-Solving Adaptability Computer Literacy Remember to include the following information in your resume: