Web 2.0: Concepts and Applications 11 The Web Becomes 2.0
Web 2.0 What is it? – Web 2.0 is when the internet went from simple and boring to eye pleasing and interactive. No more simple text and links. Now we have pictures, videos, and interactivity. –The book describes Web 2.0 as “Interactive applications that allow users to participate in contributing, organizing and creating their content” –No longer just clicking, but contributing Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.02
Web 2.0 Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.03
Web 2.0 Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.04 Yahoo in 1999Yahoo in 2009
Web 2.0 How’d it happen? – Web 2.0 didn’t just happen overnight –There are a number of different reasons why the Web evolved The personal computer evolved Society began to embrace technological changes Web developers began creating new apps and new versions of software applications Dial-up connections were being replaced with high speed broadband connections allowing for bigger bandwidth and room for better content Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.05
How’d we get to Web 2.0? Dial-Up connections replaced –Began to get rid of Dial-Up and started using other connections (DSL, Cable, Fiber Optic). –This allowed for faster and constant connection to the internet –Raised the bandwidth limit allowing for more content (pictures, videos, applications, etc.) Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.06
Dial-Up bandwidth compared Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.07
How’d we get to Web 2.0? Web developers created newer software and applications –Created things that we all use today –Microsoft Word, Javascript, Adobe Flash, Windows Media, Quicktime and iTunes, Microsoft Silverlight, ActiveX. –These all allowed for more interactivity and helped users contribute to the internet easier than ever before Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.08
How’d we get to Web 2.0? Society began to embrace technological changes –Once we figured out the internet wasn’t a scary monster, we embraced it and wanted more. –The old text and links weren’t going to stay forever, especially with the two reasons mentioned earlier –Perfect example – iPods and iPhones. –Every year, they release a new one with new software and features. Why? Because that’s what society wants. Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.09
Web as a platform This is part of the Web 2.0 philosophy –It means that the Web is literally a platform for us, the users, now. –We use the Web as a table to share our ideas, software, views, and products. –Analogy – someone giving a speech. –The web used to be just one guy (or a limited few) talking and we just had to listen. –Now we can jump up next to him and let our voice be heard as well. Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.010
Is it really a “browser”? Browser is so 1.0 ago –Browsing is all you did on the Web before 2.0. –All you did was look at pages and click –With 2.0, you can do so much more than just browse –Because of this, the term “browser” does not fit. –A more appropriate term would be the “Web Box” because you can take stuff out, but also put stuff in Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.011
Advantages of distributing Software over the Web Cost Software Updates More available Easier to get access to Can increase sales Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.012
AJAX What is it? –Simple a group of different computer technology components working together to make the Web Browser flow better. –It allows the browser to be more interactive and responsive. –It allows parts of the page to change and update without changing the entire page which means you don’t have to refresh the entire page to get the update. Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.013
How does AJAX improve a user’s experience? Improves the overall webpage –Faster, smoother, easier, more interactive –Instead of having to refresh the entire page to get it to change, it automatically changes because of AJAX. –Examples ; Facebook chat and status updates, Yahoo! News article scroller Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.014
Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.015
Chapter 1: The Web Becomes 2.016