Two Kyt-projects: GeochemM: U-migration and retention in granitic rock U in Water-rock Interaction
Independents Both at a regional scale with samples of several sites from Finland and Sweden Two different approaches: –GeochemM: U-mineralogy, migration paths characterization and dating of U-minerals –U in WRI: U-isotopes (U-234, U-238) and activity ratios (U-234/U-238) distribution in groundwaters
Same conclusion Glacial melt water intrusion deep in the bedrock Other investigations with a third approach: I.D. Clarck et al GROUND WATER 38 no. 5, Melt water injected into the subsurface (700 m depth) during ablation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet at ca. 10 ka under conditions of high hydraulic gradient (modelled and supported by studies of Björnson (Nature 395, ).
What so? Site investigation studies refer to the same event (oxygen isotope values) What is the fate of radionuclides (products, positon, migration rates, distances, and paths): –Need of mineralogical studies and characterization of possible migration paths
Future prospects Main report (TKK-series) with last findings and modelling approach Publications to referee journals: –U-mineralogy (chemistry) and migration –U-mineral dating and connection to glacial cycles –Modelling approaches (reactive models for radionuclide migration in granitic rocks)