By John Williams
Why Secure Passwords Matter Passwords protect everything about you online. Once those passwords are discovered and used by someone else you can have a huge problem on your hands. Problems could be anything from identity theft to stolen money from your bank account. That is why you should make your passwords as protected as possible in order to make it harder for any of those things to happen to you.
How To Secure Your Password Password security is easy once you follow these steps that make it harder on anyone looking to break into your security.
Tips For a Stronger Password 1. Avoid any common passwords such as “password” or “ ” 2.Avoid using your name or birthdate in your password due to its availability online. 3.Avoid using all lower or uppercase letters. Try to use both in the same password.
Tips For a Stronger Password 4. Passwords should be at least 8 characters in length. 5. If allowed always try to use special characters such as ! or. in your passwords. 6. Numbers are always a good way to secure your password, just as long as its not your birthdate. 7. Do not use the same password on multiple sites.
Conclusion Now that your passwords are strong make sure to never give out your password to anyone. If you follow all of these steps you and your password should be secure from anyone looking to invade your personal life.