Scout First Time Login and Setting Up PIN Number
When you see a Red circle or a next button, like this, that means we want you to click on something. These are the same steps you’ll take when you’re working with your patients. For now, let’s go ahead and click “Next”. Welcome to ABPathfinder! I’m Abbie, and I’ll be leading you through how to gain access to Scout, logging in for the first time, and creating a PIN number today. Next There is just one thing before we get started. Throughout this guide, I’ll ask for your help.
Now, just type your Username and Password. If this is your first time logging in, your company administrator will provide you with a username, and default password, which you’ll change. This is a secure connection that will ensure your data is safe. You should also see your company logo here, just to be safe. Let’s get started. Press “Login” to continue. First, we need to access the web. Make sure you’re at your secure company site. You can tell by looking here. Welcome to ABPathfinder! Before accessing Scout you will need to set up a password and answer some security questions.
Great job! Next, click Save. The system will automatically prompt you back to the login screen. Next, select from the pre- defined security questions. Provide answers you will easily remember. First, we need to create a password. Passwords must score a strong or higher on the security scale. If you don’t score a strong or higher, you will see a red exclamation point next to the password box.
The system automatically logged you back out. Congratulations! You are ready to move to Scout. Next
Always make sure you are accessing the correct URL. Type in your username and password. Go ahead and click “login”.
Once you type in your username and password, the system will prompt you to create a 4 digit PIN number. To set up a PIN enter 4 numbers and select the check button. PIN numbers are a quick and easy way to login on Scout. For easy entry into Scout, your device will remember your username.
You’ve now been through all the steps for gaining access to Scout and setting up your PIN number your ready to start data collection in ABPathfinder Therapy Support Software.